Deepsicks turned 20 last February—the milestone a reckoning.
Pressed and pretty good
Got a bug in my ear, scratched till it bled, then oops oh baby had to clean the mess.
new duds
- switcheroo got its clock cleaned. My librarian porfolio and résumé site has been moved to the subdomain while megholle now goes to a personal and social media website portal because I wanted one and then I made it, lightweight and responsive and cute as a bug’s ear: Good times! The RSS feed for…
deepsicks is ten years old!
It feels like it’s outside of me, and it’s silly, I know. Like my website has an agenda and imagination of its own.
d6 redux!
Yippee and hooray, deepsicks is new new! as friends of the site will notice.
moving daze
Deepsicks and its many tentacles will be moving to a new host!
heir to the era, et cetera
Fist-twist the huhhhh? out of your eyes and gaze upon the new empire. The front-end of deepsicks is now powered by WordPress, “semantic personal publishing platform” eXtraordinaire. In less loftiness, I got some new blog software. It’s neat. It’s mighty. It will allow me to do things hitherto impossible or too arcane to figure out…
happy birthday, d6!
This March marks the fifth year of deepsicks dot com! Five years old, baby honey! SOOOO BIG!
new happy year
When I first moved to Vancouver, I had a three-month sublet, a bedroom filled with meanings not my own. Everything is temporary, knew that already, eating off a stranger’s plates and sleeping in a stranger’s bed. I looked forward to a different living situation to have a space of my own, with my own things,…
rapture at last
With exception of a site map which may or may not ever get made, the deepsicks overhaul is complete. As stated in prior posts, much of the content is the same, only arranged differently with a so-I-hope sharper feel. Pages with significantly altered content include the identity section, updated to reflect my current musings, and…
looking different
Hello there, and happy new year. It’s time for something different—essentially the same but I’m losing lots of things, as well as insistent on gaining more. The new deepsicks layout follows the former—having been birthed nearly three years ago, sections of this website are no longer relevant. I don’t believe in throwing away words, but…
Coming home from work Wednesday, pulling off downhill parallel parking with ease, some ten-year-olds on cool bikes accost me as I get out of my car. “Do you want to buy a C-Book so we can buy a new teacher?” “A new teacher?!” “Yeah, and we don’t have any gym stuff, either.” “Huh. What’s a…
deepsicks? meet mozilla!
My Internet Explorer has been hijacked by some crap bogus-link search engine that continually changes my homepage. I’ve tried the virus software and ad-aware scans, the search-and-destroy bots, shredders and manual key registry adjustments. Nothing works—nothing. So instead of fighting the damn thing, I downloaded the open-source browser Mozilla. I’m getting the hang of it.…
a whisper in the noise
Yes, I am supposed to be dead. I am trying. It is hard. But diplomacy and passion drive me to encourage all to check out A Whisper in the Noise. This past Thursday I attended their CD release show at the Triple Rock. In collaboration with Duluth-based experimental guitar noise band If Thousands, AWitN unveiled…
happy new year
I don’t make resolutions, I make demands, and I want to get what I want. I want a job I care about that’s not in a suburb, I want to return to Uptown slash “that feeling,” and I want to ride a bike everywhere I need and would care to go. Yesterday I saw the…
yesterday’s future
Happy Solstice and otherwise Holledays aka Annual Gift Giving and Family Time. I get a big five days in Fargo. Should be wonderful and much too quick. After months of trial-and-error total failure, I’ve finally found an easy-to-use and cool-looking comment feature from haloscan to add to the news items, taking my rants and shouts-outs…
tuning out, turning in
And how was your day? and how was your day? and how was your day at every moment step stop of the way could be doing anything, so I decided I would. Stop writing about writing, talking about talking, dreaming about dreaming. Now I do about doing. I am on sabbatical, become every bit as…
a perfect cycle
I move Labor Day weekend, all right! and it will be the seventh time in four years. I don’t have a real good reason to push on this time—the rent’s cheap and the place ain’t bad—but I do know this: every time I move, things change. New environments make new thoughts, and I escape routine…
little pushes
The website overhaul’s taking longer than anticipated. Sorry. In the meantime I badly sprained or mildly broke my ring-finger while rocking out in my room to the Blood Brothers. I was playing guitar. I also fell down at the corner of Cedar and Riverside during heavy traffic and skinned my limbs, ate fruit in a…
Site News
Posts with info about site updates and milestones.