
Coming home from work Wednesday, pulling off downhill parallel parking with ease, some ten-year-olds on cool bikes accost me as I get out of my car.

“Do you want to buy a C-Book so we can buy a new teacher?”

“A new teacher?!”

“Yeah, and we don’t have any gym stuff, either.”

“Huh. What’s a C-Book? Can I see one?”

One of them digs into his backpack and shows me a sample coupon book for restaurants I don’t eat at and places I don’t shop, entertainment I don’t find entertaining and services I don’t need.

“How much?

“Twelve dollars.”

I wonder how much of that will go toward the cost of an educator and basketballs.

“What school you from?”

I know very little about the Minneapolis school system, but one of ’em says something ending in Montessori. Now… having done a little research, apparently there are public Montessori schools in the Twin Cities, but I didn’t see one that sounded like what he said in Minneapolis or Saint Paul, and I doubted these kids trucked in from the ‘burbs on their bikes. Which makes me think “private school.” Which makes me think WTF are private school kids doing fundraising the second week of class for a new teacher? Argh. Or even public school students, should that be the case.

I know education suffers everywhere, but turning kids into sales reps while making money for third parties is appalling. I wouldn’t even be buying a product—I’d be purchasing the opportunity to feel compelled to buy other products.

If I could give them money directly, I would have considered it. But my own memories of shoving glossy magazines of overpriced chocolate in front of people who couldn’t afford it and didn’t want any chocolate haunts. Or how my brother playing football in fourth grade was required to sell $200 worth of similar coupon books (at $20 apiece), this after an activity and equipment fee of at least $40 and I’m sure much more. Or how I was expected to sell $5 West Fargo Packer window stickers for varsity basketball, propagating a class spirit I found hollow and jingoistic (and by not selling the stickers, I was a poor sport, a bad team player and all-around lazy—did I think I was better than everyone else, or what?).

So how are kids supposed to raise money for these programs? both the extracurricular and should-be-established? I don’t know. Maybe funding education through taxes in the first place? Oh, but that would be a burden, wouldn’t it.

I told the boys I didn’t have the right change, which was true. I lied and said I didn’t have a checkbook. One of them suggested we go down to the gas station a couple blocks away and I said I didn’t feel like it. Their crushed yet smart enough to be skeptical faces sunk and sneered as they pedaled away.

Then I felt guilty, went into my apartment, and immediately fired up my computer. Upon receiving an email from Howard Dean asking me to donate money to Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle, who is currently the target of a massive Republican smear campaign in ever-the-neighbor South Dakota, I did. And I do this a lot—I donate money over the Internet to progressive politics and friends raising money for neat causes.

I don’t have money to throw around, truly I don’t. And I’m not pulling a “check me out in all my righteous fund-giving despite crushing debt” handclap. I just wonder what it means. Just simply that? A wondering what it will mean if everyone who is “poor” like “me” shuts up, sucks it up, and drops $7 here, $25 there?

Or if it only means what it is, which is me feeling helpless in the shadow of Big Problems but too shy to volunteer time (which usually involves telephone work or canvassing people for money in person, neither of which I could ever do) so I give of myself what I can. Or what it means to do this impersonally. Over the Internet. To not see the light shine in these kids’ eyes, to feel guilty and had to feel good about myself (it’s guilty-making either way) then throw away the C-Book five minutes later.


msp.evidence has gotten positive feedback, including a link on Peter S. Scholtes’ TC Old-School Hip Hop Page, a fine (and growing) compilation of local hip hop photos, fliers and stories throughout the decades. I feel pretty cool. And speaking of such things, coming up on Riverside from the 19th Avenue bridge, deep in the brutal-brilliant mess of DJ Shadow’s “Blood on the Motorway,” I saw this and my heart screamed (shot from standing in the middle of the busy street)

I moved to four tens at work. Working seven to five Monday through Thursday ain’t easy—I have between five and six hours to myself after work before going to bed. That’s not much. But the three-day weekends are seductive superfine—a tradeoff I may find well worth the weekday drag. Yep.

Lastly, a show flier outside the Hard Times Cafe.

I’ll probably go to hell for liking it… but it’s my dad’s birthday today, too (Happy B-day, Pa!), so it made me smile.


  • dckr

    September 13, 2004 at 4:46 am Reply

    firstly, i find that flyer amusing, as well. burn though i might for doing so, too! its ridiculously cute in an insanely sick and wrong way. oh well.

    secondly, as i said in the comment thing for the previous news addition on your site, congrats on the addition linkwise to the hip hop site. thats awesome!!

    thirdly, no amount of money is worth paying for a tool youll never use. period. feeling bad? eh, minneapolis is big. someone else will buy the candybars (and actually eat them) and coupon books (and actually clip them).

    lastly, id *really* like to fee for you and your 5 or 6 hours of freetime a night before bed on the days you work. really i would. but i cant. ive got two kids. ive got *NO* free time. literally. im at work, sleeping (of which i do very little) or have the kids at home. so, count yourself lucky for your 5 or 6. and your three day weekends! there are people jealous of your situation. seriously.

  • Bree

    September 14, 2004 at 12:53 am Reply

    It’s my gramma’s birthday on the 11th (88 years, woo!) and Keledy’s, as well. I do not feel patriotic that day, forced-Patriot-Day or no.

    You should come to some low-key volunteer stuff with me. Mailing parties and that. Free pretzels. Familiar me. You don’t have to talk to people, and I’ll teach you my super-effective stickering techniques.

  • fake

    September 17, 2004 at 11:23 pm Reply

    say, dckr… weren’t one or both (don’t have to answer) children your choice(s)?

    i can feel something for the megh lack of time, because she’s got no reason not to have more, and has committed only to an employer, and maybe a lease, and maybe self-imprisonment, to a degree… but don’t you agree that your situation, being largely self-imposed, decided and directed should be granted no privelege in degree of deserved pity or understanding? Like, hey man, it’s your bullet you bit, and it makes mine nonetheless biting by contrast…

    obviously, no offensive meant. just an observation on a tone and a statement i hear a lot, as a free, young, single, childless person.

  • dckr

    September 19, 2004 at 3:24 am Reply

    i was joking.


    but i understand what youre saying.


    war out.

  • jeff

    September 21, 2004 at 4:13 pm Reply

    creamin in my pants


  • megh

    September 21, 2004 at 9:43 pm Reply

    neglectful me on my own damn board….

    decker: thanks for the congrats. re: free time, we all have our responsibilities/excuses… and a worse situation doesn’t make a bad one better. so your life sucks more than mine in the free time department–okay. but knowing others envy me doesn’t make me more productive in the time i do have, in fact, my awareness of “time” weighs all the heavier because i don’t feel i’m producing enough, especially being so “lucky.”

    blah blah blah… less talk, more rock.

    bree: hrm… yes, do let me know about the next mailing party.

    jeff: i don’t know about those mp3s… grabbed i was not. thanks for sharing, though.

  • dckr

    September 22, 2004 at 4:08 am Reply

    oops, my bad. i didnt mean to come off the way its seeming i came off. i was typing in jest, only slightly spawned from those types of feelings.


  • jeff

    September 22, 2004 at 10:21 am Reply

    hmm..probably wouldn’t like their mixes of the flaming lips then

    that’s why I’m here

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