• Snow days, Holledays

    We put new tires on the Fit and tricked the dogs into thinking we were going to the park.

  • decembering

    Into a false winter where the sun still feels a balmy 69 then sets when it damn please.

  • christmas came!

    I launched my first tree, found last summer curbside-sad while on an alley jog through East Isles.

  • hear hear the new year, sharp and brave

    Anna took this picture at dive-bar karaoke. We sang “Pump Up the Jam,” it is the longest song ever, and EMF’s “Unbelievable,” which we mangled. It was stellar, a night to remember, I can do things that are stupid but still scare me. Christmas happened, draining, driving all over groundstorming North Dakota, thinking about Thailand

  • sparkler lady

    Chain-lighting sparklers while Mom held back the toddlers, I burned only one boy.

  • whos laughing now

    A selection of Chinese-made American fireworks. My favorite is Baby Boomers, with the sad, frustrated adults.