• Beats in Bones

    I don’t go dancing much anymore. Part of it is parking. Part is feeling old, bad neck back ached, past my bedtime and feeling out of element.

  • my first sxsw

    It was my first South by Southwest, smack in the heart of the beast of roving gangs of musicians and geeks emitting burned CDs like throwing stars, rising.

  • Costa Rica! Part 1: San José

    This post covers the first leg, when I was working in the capital San José, with some exploring on my own but mostly touring with university folks.

  • dancing in the dark

    Over a year later, my knee’s still not the same, but I find myself dancing anyway.

  • sirens

    What’re you gonna be for Halloweeeeeeen? Hell if we know.

  • raincheck

    Note the date. The ticket, not torn. First time listening to the latest album, I knew I had to see them before the opening track was done: I dreamed about the few US tour locations with the might of so what, I can do this, do anything, I am an adult! now soon again, Happy