I inherited a tripod from one of my new roommates. It is basic but serviceable. I know there’s no way my camera will catch the moon missing, but the February 21 lunar eclipse is a good opportunity to take out the tripod and practice unmoving. Speaking of (un)moving, things have been good here in Victoria,…
the adventure
For a month I carried my life around in a suitcase.
minneapolis mer
I’m pretty sure they’re mine. I know they’re mine.
I am the spider.
fight this
Trekking all over Seattle finds me a tofu corn dog and Chipotle I couldn’t pass up, poetry on the streets sold on scraps and rapped from corners.
we are what america looks like
On April 28, 2006, I took a half shift at work to join my brother Sam on the steps of Northrop at the U of M campus for a metrowide student walkout war protest. The last antiwar march I went to, the United States wasn’t even at war yet. This was over three years ago,…
figure C
Humor for a moment my crush on the Buddha—or should I say what can I say? I enjoy thinking about not thinking and living the life I’m not killing. In my flirtation I have run across the following dialogue between the layman Ho and the Chinese Zen master Baso. With this exchange, Ho became deeply…
sungod prayers
Days have been long—the nights, rather, excruciatingly lightless, while time drops like a depth charge out of my control. I’d’ve been all over this forever night nonsense were I, say, fourteen and goth. Unfortunately (?) I’m adult and postmodern (postpunk, postrave, postyouth, postal) and prime to succumb to seasonal affective disorder. Thank god (ahem—a mangered…
achieving objections
Given the past several deepsicks updates and subsequent discussions, the past several months of my real-life tuning in, fully intellectually engaged and emotionally invested ’cause I care so much and want so much positive things for the nation and world, I suppose a few words are in order. Enough time has passed to suggest thought-out,…
one more week… i hope
Last Thursday, Sam, along with his coworker and her 11-year-old daughter, and I stood outside in the getting colder to see John Kerry in the Metrodome parking lot. I’m terrible at great masses and distances—so, uh, there were an awful lot of people, and we were awfully far away from the podium. Kerry delivered the…
the years go fast but the days go so slow
Went camping last weekend with three of my brothers. Birdy caught his first fish (thrown back, and now they are famous, because they are on the in-ter-net). Went hiking, canoeing, sauna sink nightswimming seeing a firefly for the first time, is that possible? Just how old am I? to have never heard a loon screaming…
not safe for humans
i swore i wouldn’t watch it. the moment i heard it happened, i swore i didn’t want to see. it was linked from a friend’s site. “not safe for work, life, humans” is all it said, and curiosity clicked. when the media player stalled at the opening, i knew immediately this is it but only…
happy new year
I don’t make resolutions, I make demands, and I want to get what I want. I want a job I care about that’s not in a suburb, I want to return to Uptown slash “that feeling,” and I want to ride a bike everywhere I need and would care to go. Yesterday I saw the…
the therebefore
Friday after work I drove to Fargo doubting, was I doing the right thing? hanging onto seven years that hang and hold me. One of the very few things that happened that happened in The Teaching Emotion is that a nobody band named AFI played in a basement in West Fargo, North Dakota, September 27,…
disparity key
I listen to music I like. I often read liner notes at least once and attend shows like a fiend. But I am not a fan girl. I rarely know the names of individual performers and nine times out of ten the first time I see them (what they look like at all) is when…
shortcomings and goings
Hey. Things have and will be changing piecemeal hereabouts. Perhaps, once “done,” I’ll list off all alterations should one want to catch them all, but yeah, revisions, additions, and erasures are on the way. If you like something the way you like it, I suggest you do some cut-n-pasting, ’cause if it goes, it’s gone,…
no news is good
Not much to report. School started. I found a bunch of (…And You Will Know Us By the) Trail of Dead stickers. If you want one, ask. My friend Kevin has self-published his second novel, Cocktail—wheeeeeeee! I look forward. It was my brother Joe’s birthday a couple weeks ago—he’s (gasp!) 13. It’s my mom’s birthday…
…and you all thought I died
I apologize for the lack of updates, but I think a congratulations is in order, as I HAVE SURVIVED A HELL WEEK! mixed with ~heaven~ (ooooooo!) Wanna hear about it? Of course you do! Thursday was my last day of (first summer session) class, but I had a final paper yet to write, due on…
super crazy fun KMFDM no sleep whoa… do I really look that evil? day
The messageboard has been renamed the Epich, Bree, and .meg Carnival of Putting Down the Flesh. The first person who fully “gets it” also gets a prize—I’ll make sure it’s cool. So. I’m going to KMFDM this evening; late tonight I’m driving no sleep to visit my grandpa in western North Dakota (I finally get…