Life will never be more amazing and mad than this.
three inches
Not hard to keep my chin up, just hard to keep from laughing, I know better than to take anything too seriously.
things don’t always go the way our soulful eyes would have them
Who would have thought you would still have your pride?
the limits of hippie
I catch bees and bring them outside. Spiders I don’t mind.
It is October, unseasonably warm, and I am slave to a fat knee, twisted from dancing, naturally, in the clutches of crutches and bicycle envy.
century of the self
Y’all cogs are fools, capitalistic tools, me too tis of thee, all sorts of angst I thought I’s over, sidling up to thirty.
Spring is come. I show my body who’s boss.
whittier hell note
If the French hadn’t colonized Vietnam, I wouldn’t be eating this tasty bread.
scaring out hell
The result of $4 in photocopies at Office Max, smashed against the Xerox glass.
hit return hit home hit shift hit control hit end hit escape hit delete
The further I move into the future, the farther I am from the moments felt fleeting.