I have grown weary of the politics of not talking about politics. As Election 2004 approaches, we are bombarded with misinfotainment and general media absurdity (both ketchup and mustard?). Being blessed without cable television, I’ve been able to avoid the majority of the least common denominator noise brought to us by filled with blanks.
But I can’t help but notice that while it seems to be the topic du jour, it’s also watered down, without substance. Well, duh, you say, but still. Everyone wants to talk about how important it is, but no one wants to discuss what it is that’s important. Too often too many act too carefully to cater to all—to not impose opinion or anything “devisive,” only to contribute to the general clamor.
And I admit, I do it myself—in the last news item, I threw down a link for voter registration but failed to say what I’m really thinking, which is vote for John Kerry or I will be very upset. Though where I stand should be clear, I’ve tried to keep deepsicks free of overt inclinations, wanting to push an emotional agenda, not a political one. But increasingly what I’m thinking and feeling is too tied to the world to define it with neutrality, to worry if a d6 visitor gets a negative vibe, is offended or feels left out.
Enough of that—of typerote talking and preschool inclusion, of submitting to the useful idiot feeling strongly stance about the middle ground and my own fear of screaming too loudly in one direction so my words are dismissed or aren’t heard at all. Am I gonna make someone “feel bad”? Well, too bad, ’cause I feel horrible—about Iraq, the economy, human and civil rights and the overwhelming hypocrisy of what’s considered “compassionate” and “conservative.
Close friends and many casual acquaintances know how I feel or just assume given comments and assume correctly. But I do find myself actively avoiding thoughtful discussion and heartfelt rants, thinking it not worth it or worthless to even try—and it cuts off. Odd how that works—I’m either alienating others or alienating myself, and agreeing to disagree may keep office tensions low but does not and cannot work grandscale when backsliding policy affecting us all is implemented anyway.
I respect tremendously the highly visible people—musicians, actors and celebrities of whatever sort—who have ceased the backseat to what they’re thinking/feeling at the expense of losing segments of their audiences. I full heartedly support the Vote for Change tour and have appropriately thrown down to be blown away by Bruce Springsteen, REM and Bright Eyes on October 5 in Saint Paul (with a look of disgust in Governor Pawlenty’s direction after his disturbingly ignorant talk-radio criticism of Springsteen, claiming he “really appreciates his music but wishes he didn’t interject it with politics.” Someone needs some liner notes, hey).
The bands and musicians associated with the tour may risk alienating fans (even governors of swing states), but for those of us who feel the same, we’re drawn all the closer and admire them even more, further motivated to speak out ourselves—not to mention move the cause with bottom-lining money.
So. In keeping: The presidential battle is not a matter of the party lines and loyalty to identities as democrats or republicans. It’s about examining values and determining whether these are truly being represented by the current administration. Inform yourself as a citizen instead of allowing yourself to be marketed to as a consumer.
The institution of the government and all that bleeds down from it—from the size of your paycheck to the quality of your education to whose blood soaks what foreign soil to who you’re allowed to love and have it recognized—shapes our collective and personal lives, and it’s there believe it or not because we the people will it. So what do you want—for you, your family, friends, neighbors and future generations.
*steps down.*
So. Yeah. I’ve added some Wormwood photos from a show August 21 in White Bear Lake. The boys drip hot in pursuit of EP completion, which I’ve been hearing for months though I’m inclined to believe anything that makes me happy (heh heh, just kidding—>seeing if you’re paying attention).
Also check out a new photo album of graffiti tags I’ve collected around Minneapolis and Saint Paul, tentatively titled msp.evidence. This section may or may not evolve into something more than dilettante me and my digital camera, but I figured I’d share ’cause really, why not.
Been disappointed in the lack of hot, humid weather this summer—it breathes the best, puts me in needed moods, and when I get bad, I tempt worst.
Also: I want to learn how to sew.
August 29, 2004 at 5:29 pmThe lack of hot, humid weather is also tied to politics, sadly. In my environmental health class, one of the first questions the professor asked was, “Does anyone not think that global warming is here?”
Nobody did. We’re the educated elite, after all. We have the resources on global climate change at the tip of our fingers. We understand research methodology. We know why it was important to sign the damned Kyoto Treaty, fucking politicians.
August 29, 2004 at 9:10 pmfunny… most people at my place of employment say, “Global warming?! What a bunch of crap that is!”
i’m fumigating my kitchen right now. die, fruit flies, DIE! i also bought some raver pants. what’s wrong with me?
August 30, 2004 at 4:38 ammsp.evidence is hottness. kudos.
raver pants are cute. especially girl raver pants. so, sue me.
August 30, 2004 at 3:14 pmYou’re such a raver. Um…
I can teach you to sew if you want. Also other girly/old-lady things like crocheting and knitting.
August 30, 2004 at 5:48 pmi don’t want to learn how to crochet, i only want to make some pants. seeing how i just bought some pants, this drive has abated but it always flares up again. i *do* know how to sew, i just don’t have a machine (though anna did recently offer me her mom’s, which she’s been secretly stowing in our creepy basement). i’m most concerned about making a zipper. and making the pants fit together (i’d make my own pattern, ’cause that’s the whole point–make something that fits my preferred cut).
and the pants are neato, dckr, though i dunno about “cute.” they’re larger than i likes ’em. the lady at the store kept trying to get me to buy more, and i said i didn’t want to buy more than one pair of pants that i couldn’t wear to work. she examined the pair i’d picked out and said, “Oh, you can wear these to work.” “… ?” “Tell them i said it’s okay. You can wear these to work.” so i did, and was in fact confronted, “those some pretty big pants, meg.” “the lady at the store said i could wear these to work. so there.” hee hee.
i *did* intend to get some pants a little more adult friendly (being an adult around other adults and all) but they’re oh so comfy, with plenty of room to winterify them with long flannel johns when the wind blows strong, oh *yes.* and of course, uh, they’re perfect to go raving in.
thought you’d like those pics, dck.
September 7, 2004 at 4:21 ami miss going raving. shhh… dont tell anyone.
you taking pics of graf makes you like the newsperson on the graffiti front in mpls for me. i used to just walk the tracks in and around the river, dinkytown, and uptown when i lived there. nice to see whats going on since ive left.
September 8, 2004 at 9:31 pmme? the newsperson on graffiti? i blush, deck. and through the power of the internet , my modest grafitti selection has been added to the links on Peter Scholtes’
TC Old-School Hip Hop Page. pretty nifty.
so in the STrib today i read a letter to the editor about those silly scientists and their global warming… “warming?? it’s been cold! damn liberals and their crockpot theories!”
i miss raves, too. 🙁
September 13, 2004 at 4:38 amcongrats on the link addition. hott!