Persuaded by my roommate and giving into my own morbid(curios)ity, I attended the First Annual Goth Prom at the Saloon. “First Annual” anything makes me giggle, goth makes me grin, and prom makes me run screaming in the other direction. Throw into the mix early next morning uppage for work, obligatory “dress up” including eye-punch makeup, cheesy electro and an any-other-night flaming manbar to approach a general sense of the mayhem. And don’t forget the homemade orchid corsages. And purposely shredding my fishnets on the hot-hot-hot dancefloor.

The experience?—excellent. The memories?—will live forever (in a supernatural kinda way). The evidence?—subpar but existing.
We were running late so I didn’t get many pictures, and I wasn’t comfortable shooting in the club. I took a slew of me looking all swank and evil… in my shadow-spooky red room… with a Cure poster in the background (if I didn’t rule so much, I’d suck real bad). There’s also some of Anna and Bennett who took home the Most Übergoth Couple trophy, the apparent equivalent to prom king and queen. Hilarious.
Dan and I have a show in Fargo next week:
fake :: performs live :: doesn’t kid
“what follows the postmodern?” megh will ask abstractedly.
” ” dan will respond blankly.
“fake is real,” god will say logically.
“yay!” will yay the crowd.
you should come!
Friday Night Freq – April 30, 9pm-1am
with David Sol, Star IV and St. Vitas
Avalon Ballroom
613 1st Ave N.
Downtown Fargo
$5 / 18+ / 21 for bar
April 24, 2004 at 9:26 pmhm… i just realized i used the term “subpar.” it really is a word and it really is doing what i want it to be doing (describing inferiority), but to be “below par” is a positive thing, right? so what gives?
April 25, 2004 at 12:44 amI think it is only good to be below par in golf. Good luck at your show Meg! I am sorry I can’t be there. Keep me posted on the one in June.
April 25, 2004 at 2:21 pmbut the fact that the meaning of “being below par” radically changes given context is great. like the difference between being “shit” and “the shit.” (i’m such a geeker).
have fun at your apparently more-important-than-your-only-sister-in-the-world hoohaw. har. heh. just kidding. but i’m not gonna get to see you at all, am i?
April 25, 2004 at 2:28 pmhrm… that smiley looks angry/evil. it should be sad/weepy. *shrugs*
May 3, 2004 at 1:51 amsorry i missed your show on friday. between work, wife, kids, and my show the following night it just didnt work out for me to make it. hope it went well!
info for june 5th, ben, is here:
and this show is going to rule so hard!! hard like… uh… hard stuff. yeah!!
May 3, 2004 at 6:45 pmthanks for the link, jawsh, and no worries about missing the show. i ended up watching dvds at my da’s on saturday night, so i too am guilty of family ties. i’ll get info on the june show on the mainpage as the day approaches.
May 15, 2004 at 2:45 amThe goth prom pics are hot. I found out about this in retrospect, and would have surely gone. Alas. Well, contact me when you are around, I imagine you must have gone off to that possible appointment you mentioned. Ta.
May 15, 2004 at 8:16 ami did indeed, shawn. they put lazers in my eyes! more on this later (i think it’s news item worthy, oooooo yeeeeeeeeeeeah).
May 16, 2004 at 12:39 pmSchweet. Looking forward to hearing how it went, whether it went good or poorly or somewhere in between. Sorry about being AWOL today, practice went much longer than I though. We should get together regardless soon. You name the time.