I’ve added some photos from the Whisper in the Noise show last Thursday at the 7th Street. The show was spectacular once again, and many props/hugs/high fives to Danno who drove feverish miles to accompany me. I like it when my friends like the things I like.
I replaced the berloody I Killed My Internet header not because I’ve given up (tryin) giving up, but because it disgusted/disturbed/scared my big brother, and that’s not cool. 🙁 But everybody likes rivers and nights and city lights and red mittens, right? Right. Thanks to Anna for taking the picture and especially for making me do something fun.
This just might trump Man-Machine.
March 23, 2004 at 9:09 amhey, somebody leave some words with me!
March 23, 2004 at 4:54 pmyar!
i rolled down my windows on my way home from work and not-cold fresh air felt so good i grinned so hard my face hurt.
March 24, 2004 at 1:07 amheeeyyy… *I* want not-cold fresh air!
oh, looking forward to june5, btw.
there, dan. i left words with you…
March 24, 2004 at 7:27 pmyar, monet are dead! long live monet. i am now without intarweb or telephone at home.
maybe i’ll start doing stuff again.
March 24, 2004 at 7:28 pm^
March 24, 2004 at 9:13 pmtoday i went outside in shirtsleeves and *enjoyed it.*
looking forward to the 5th as well (and especially the long time to prepare).
long live the death of monet! as for myself i “hosts” blacklisted several sites and uninstalled Instant Messenger from my robot. the pain is on, yet–curiously–it was the first evening in several that i didn’t want to slit my wrists. huh. maybe i can handle (and most importantly, benefit) from this killed internet thing after all.
i’ll always be around to take care of my baby, though. **soothes a gettin worried deepsicks**
March 28, 2004 at 12:15 ammonet bad. sorry for the saying you should hook it up and then the dying of it. id no way of knowing, as you surely know. needless to say, im not enjoying free aol trial discs. ugh.
i am, however, currently enjoying some overcast skies and light drops of rain. and im serious. im enjoying it.
hoorah! springtime!
March 28, 2004 at 6:55 pmon thursday afternoon at work we heard thunder. i work in a dungeon with no windows (and no overhead lights for the mac operators—everything is done by the gray glow of computer screens). the storm excited. i jumped around and “eeeeeeee!” ‘d a lot. i think they think i’m weirder, now, but i don’t care. yay spring! yay storms!
March 28, 2004 at 5:19 pmmonet was great, i feel it was worth every dime. no apologies necessary. now i’m waitin for the day when something like it graces our town again.
March 29, 2004 at 2:47 amd – well, multiband is currently working on raising more towers or acquiring the monet towers (along with a handful of others), so we can cross out fingers and pray to the wireless internetmongers.
m – storms. mmmmm, storms. i love love love them! we were supposed to get fullblown storms. instead we got, as mentioned, overcast skies and occasional drops of rain. ah wel… ill take what i can get, i suppose.
April 2, 2004 at 7:53 pmdckr, how do you know about this multiband thingus>??>
April 4, 2004 at 4:49 amdan, i called multiband as soon as my monet troubles started up to inquire about their services. this was about a month ago. right now you need a direct line of sight to the tower (the clarica tower) and they put an antenna on your house and shit. but, they kicked it into high gear to get full blow wireless net as soon as monet went under, as people started calling them right away, same as i did. i talked to a guy there for almost an hour about the whole situation. super cool guy. he said theyd know more and hopefully have things up and running in two months, which is about a month away now.