cult = me

New photos of Wormwood have been added to archimago, taken from their December 2 appearance at the Uptown Bar and Cafe. I experimented with some different in-camera effects, including black and white which turned out schnazzy and the polarization filter which sucks and will never happen again, I promise. I love the light-streaky mystery, but the polarization is too Photoshop hack.

Also, while shooting often in low shutter-speed mode for said light trails, same-old is same and old so there’s a few that (gasp!) show discernible facial features. There’s even a clear shot of Kellen’s “Kick Butt!” water bottle, a bewildering artifact from surely the early nineties that will stun future fans digging up the past, causing confusion and all to question, just who is Wormwood, and what are they about?

All I can say for certain is each band member is disgustingly, breathtakingly talented. …And no one is listening. Yeah, they’re still relatively new and without an official release—an EP is in the works and they also have a live recording for sale which is unquestionably impressive (“all things considered” but also Ding an sich) but still nothing they seem comfortable with saying, “This is us.” Take it or leave it, let it lead, let it go.

In reasonable theory they could be should be will be known, and with a diehard fan-cult following and more than just me, the only person standing and anywhere near the front on the 2nd. It’s kinda nice because I know (at least think and hope) someday this will change, but in the meantime, right now, they’re playing just for me. A narcissistic connection, sure, though I do feel audience eyes on me and never dance like I want to, like I mean it. Whenever I see them live, even while they’re playing, I’m already thinking about thinking about “I remember when…” pleasant wistfull of shit and dreaming, “I remember holes-in-walls and flaws in ideality,” but never does the magic fall short. Never do I not walk away changed, restored to awake, positive and passionate about my own creative life and the construction of the thoughtful, renewed in my compulsion to do everything in my power to ensure their success.

So. Check out their website. Read an interview. If you live in the Twin Cities area and have never seen WW, drop me a line and I will pick you up at your house, drive you to one of their upcoming shows, and pay your admission: Happy Holledaze and all of that. December 16 they play the 4th Street Station in Saint Paul, and December 28 they rock Urban Wildlife in the Warehouse District of Minneapolis.

In other news, there is no other news. Mostly I’ve been concentrating on being brilliant and fighting the compulsion to just go to bed. I had no heat in my apartment last night, awaking rude to 58 degrees. S’fixed now, woo. Of late I’ve been craving hot ham and cheese; I am determined to make (and make myself sick on) large quantities of fake meat hot ham and cheese sandwiches on toasted kaiser rolls. Mmmm… but I’ve no fake ham, cheese, or kaiser rolls, or desire to leave my now warm abode. Damn you, cold! Damn you.

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