fakeproject is real

Last weekend I went to the Fargo Winter Carnival and was received, seen, and conquered by fakeproject, the sonic mindscape conceived, controlled, and disseminated by Dan Reetz and Shaun Fort. I’ve been trying to find the words all week to describe my head smashed against a speaker all weak to hear feel deep their latest material Dan was kind enough to burn me, but now I don’t have to—you can struggle for ’em yourself with the mp3s right here.

But what is it? exactly I don’t know. Piano fragments droning drum and bass demanding more than a flyby headshot, this sound indispensable, unthrowaway the beats all cut apart bleeding back together fake’s not only real, it’s un-. So go. Listen. Now. And if you haven’t bought any duct tape in the past few days, how will you put up these posters?

And now for something completely different < yet just as surreal >—I might be in an upcoming issue of National Geographic. Sweeeeeeet.

Bored-fiend Bree sent me the following Anti-Valentine: “Happy unimaginative, consumer-oriented and entirely arbitrary, manipulative & shallow interpretation of romance day.” ***SWOON*** I feel honored and known and encourage you all to hate.

Site News: Ministry update.

Happiness: The following quotation from the in-ter-net concerning Coachella: “Well if Blur’s coming, then Radiohead won’t make it. After all, someone has to stay home and watch Coldplay.” –> It’s so true.

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