• disparity key

    I listen to music I like. I often read liner notes at least once and attend shows like a fiend. But I am not a fan girl. I rarely know the names of individual performers and nine times out of ten the first time I see them (what they look like at all) is when

  • get comfortable

    …because this entry is long. Go make some iced tea or something. I’m serious. Ready? All right. First off, 28 Days Later blew my freakin’ mind. Apocalyptic, telling, thought-and-feel-provoking, the plot was maddeningly simple almost edging absurdity but delivered so well I didn’t care. Belief suspended, I was shoved inside, and the cinematography… astounding. Very visually

  • holy giant squid, batman!

    I got a “real job” as a proofreader at a commercial printer. S’scary and fun and way overwhelming, but I think I’ll like it quite a lot once I wrap my brain around industry jargon and the forty plus (numerically and aged) people I met in the past two days. I’m like… an adult or

  • nag champa sandwiches, zombies, and O.G.D6

    I bought a box of Nag Champa incense today at a local witchshop and threw it without thought into my bag, right next to my lunch. Five hours later, I unassumingly took a bite of P ‘n’ J saturated with vile—the powerfume soaked through the box and past the sandwich baggie making for one nasty,