JK Rowling tells me what’s up.
snail chainmail
He shines at cutting to the chase. Upfront about openness and great at advice, our hearts have often been in the best worst place, and he never lets me get away with not knowing what I’m really saying.
deepsicks is ten years old!
It feels like it’s outside of me, and it’s silly, I know. Like my website has an agenda and imagination of its own.
three inches
Not hard to keep my chin up, just hard to keep from laughing, I know better than to take anything too seriously.
FPCAN’s You Are Not Dead
Daniel Reetz and I have published You Are Not Dead: A Guide to Modern Living (the Canadian Edition).
… is live! The play based on my work, You Are Not Dead: A Guide to Modern Living runs in Vancouver May 27 – June 5. Tickets are on sale now! Check out the Fakeproject Corporation Canadian Chapter for more information. A printed copy of the guide, filled with Daniel Reetz’s gorgeous images, will be…
Spring is come. I show my body who’s boss.
1627 words
Several hours later waiting for a bus, I rupture my new scabs busting a move for my shop window reflection.
speak of the devil
Late last May I wound up in a cemetery.
the idiots
Victoria finally got the guts, the ambition, the fire in its belly eating up the oxygen from the wind in its sails to scorch its fair citizens with 84 degrees, no breeze, brazen.
you are not dead
As many of you know, I have enjoyed a long-time, time-and-again collaboration with musician and artist Daniel Reetz of the Fakeproject Corporation of America. After five years of dereconstructing sounds, sharpening words, pushing pixels and losing ground to years-long diversions, we are pleased at last to present You Are Not Dead: A Guide to Modern…
heir to the era, et cetera
Fist-twist the huhhhh? out of your eyes and gaze upon the new empire. The front-end of deepsicks is now powered by WordPress, “semantic personal publishing platform” eXtraordinaire. In less loftiness, I got some new blog software. It’s neat. It’s mighty. It will allow me to do things hitherto impossible or too arcane to figure out…
it was summer, now it’s autumn
How much longer do I need to learn that everything is temporary.
introducing the rising
I’m excited to announce the creation of a new blog. That’s right, a blog!
passing the timing
Mid-May my laptop’s A/C adapter expires and I can’t seem to replace it locally for under $150 say what? yeah, and I get sick of looking—the Mom and Pop shrugging and the superslick Big Box Boys shoving into my hands product I can’t afford then blocking the rack so I can’t put it back while…
what will i done
My train leaves in 6 hours. I know people who know people who have taken the same train just to take it—the journey the destination across the plains and through the mountains it’s so gorgeous, just you wait westward bound on the shamelessly named Empire Builder. When my dad was a little boy, he took…
the future needs me present
I finished a journal last week—another volume in the life of megh, bringing with it a sense of accomplishment “I did it!” did what? and the ominous intimidation of a brand new blank book waiting (though my journaling is sporadic, I already have another one gilded flowery). The last one took me about a year,…
goodbye, cruel worldwideweb
A couple mornings ago I noticed an .mpg all conspicuous-like on my server; it was uploaded by Dan, who shares this space, and how precious the weirdness that waited upon discovery of the Scar Strangled Banter (the film has been moved to another server—see news item above). The bizarre brainchild of Brandon Marback, SSB combines…
fake fake fake
About a year ago I attended the First Annual Fargo Winter Carnivale and danced all crazy-like before the stage, blown away by Fakeproject. After a series of emails, trials, errors and significant loads of mutual respect and awe, a year later—last weekend—I found myself on the stage performing with Fake (aka Dan Reetz). Yeah. Wow.…
go look at other stuff
I haven’t a whole lot to say for myself, so I’ll just send y’all to a bunch of other places. Much of this is old news, and it’s not even my news, but it interests me. It also travels the web with a quickness, and I hate to recycle it unnecessarily (imagining that at least…