Every moment of every day there’s an eclipse in space.
weeding wonder
I’m doing grubby pulls, the grossest of the gross, a final sweep before we RFID everything. Get those torn, ragged, stained, worn smokers’ home monstrosities off the shelf.
my first sxsw
It was my first South by Southwest, smack in the heart of the beast of roving gangs of musicians and geeks emitting burned CDs like throwing stars, rising.
Chapter Next: Austin, TX
Librarians, we’re the worst, we never rest, men in black will march to the reference desk, muzzle cries of access, freedom to read, information privacy, making inner worlds safe for democracy, enriched and courageous, one worth embracing.
House on the Rock
A shaky truth inside rebuke: Desire this wild, this intense and detailed excises the requirement to answer for it.
the limits of hippie
I catch bees and bring them outside. Spiders I don’t mind.
monster peace lily: 3 in 3 in 1.5 infinity
My peace lily has its own soundtrack. Really it’s just one song, and only 1.5 seconds of a song, and that song is Disturbed’s “Down with the Sickness” where the guy goes WAAAA-AA-AAA-AAAAAH! A housewarming gift from my mom about a year ago (bought at Ikea, naturally), this beast has flowered an astounding three times…
36 tornadoes came to minnesota
and all the Cities got was this orangesicle sky. Through with day before the night that’s just what the light looked like, and everyone left their window panes to stand in the roiling heat of the street, meet their neighbors and share what they know about science.
you are not dead, just wow
There is an impulse to not be impulsive.
you are not dead media
FPCAN’s Danielle Marleau, producer/director at Black Pants, discusses You Are Not Dead on Canada’s teevee (!)
everyone’s a tourist
A few weeks ago James and I trekked to Queen Elizabeth Park to take in some pollen, pat some bees, eat a bag of sour sweets, hug trees and other hippie activities. We saw no less than seven wedding parties, some extravagant high school graduates and a cadre of cross-dressed cosplay kids, all preening for…
paradigm SHIFT!
I know what youall are thinking, you’re thinking tell us about Vancouver! and get all philosophical while you punish us with your emotional agenda! Sorry, folks, but I’ve been ill with a nasty cold and overwhelmed with various activities of the needful kind and sneaking in the exploration when I’m not pass-out fatigued or dizzy…
stepping beyond
This piece was first composed July 10, 2001, as an email to three friends then expanded and revised in the spring of 2002 in a creative nonfiction course. Yes, it’s a true story—the Real MacKaye. 🙂 If ever you eat at My Viet in Fargo, North Dakota, check out the upright beverage cooler crammed with fruit…