Several hours later waiting for a bus, I rupture my new scabs busting a move for my shop window reflection.
Compliments of andyF and a romping day of SkyTrain. Things = good. Update: Andy posted the shot on Flickr. Noice.
T-minus 40 days and 40 nights till I turn in my final paper, feel the flood, swallow the West River, allah that. I’m hanging in there, cracking knuckles and shading in shallows, drafting blueprints, dragging footprints, keeping all my promises by making none. Wish we could hang out, Vancouver. Get some tea, some sushi, trouble…
It was safest to walk down the center of the street, Minneapolis iced up mulling deep the responsi-liabilities, post-Christmas economy crash cow, it’s on us, you know. For worshiping idle, being economical, our faults, for knitting our own scarves to keep warm and our pennies, kill ourselves for loonies (MAD MEN!) how we’ll hang from…
the red brings out my eyes
I wanted to be part of the horde, not part of the part that moves in for the money shot and suspends the disbelief.
minneapolis mer
I’m pretty sure they’re mine. I know they’re mine.
passing the timing
Mid-May my laptop’s A/C adapter expires and I can’t seem to replace it locally for under $150 say what? yeah, and I get sick of looking—the Mom and Pop shrugging and the superslick Big Box Boys shoving into my hands product I can’t afford then blocking the rack so I can’t put it back while…
i bought a mango
Short termed or not or what, I moved here. It’s time to live here.
building a desert
I have to remind myself to remember, take pictures. Slow down.
new happy year
When I first moved to Vancouver, I had a three-month sublet, a bedroom filled with meanings not my own. Everything is temporary, knew that already, eating off a stranger’s plates and sleeping in a stranger’s bed. I looked forward to a different living situation to have a space of my own, with my own things,…