• meg holle, librarian

    After months of joyless weekends the semester is complete; three years told and kept quiet later in Beautiful BC, Canada, The World, and I are a graduate all over again. The degree is conferred in May when I shall commence thenceforth as Meg Holle the Librarian—a master of library and information studies, a fearless champion

  • waves

    T-minus 40 days and 40 nights till I turn in my final paper, feel the flood, swallow the West River, allah that. I’m hanging in there, cracking knuckles and shading in shallows, drafting blueprints, dragging footprints, keeping all my promises by making none. Wish we could hang out, Vancouver. Get some tea, some sushi, trouble

  • how to watch a lunar eclipse

    I inherited a tripod from one of my new roommates. It is basic but serviceable. I know there’s no way my camera will catch the moon missing, but the February 21 lunar eclipse is a good opportunity to take out the tripod and practice unmoving. Speaking of (un)moving, things have been good here in Victoria,

  • life in pixels

    Short on words but not on shots. May 11-14 I visited my friend Nathan in the Pacific Northwest. D6 lifers may recall my visit to him last year, when he lived in Tacoma. He now lives in Seattle. I was met off the bus from the airport with squeals and glee by my old Minneapolis

  • robots feel pain

    I know I already mentioned (ranted about?) this in the last news item, but I thought I’d throw it out there again in a more positive light (…sort of…). I are a graduate! That’s right—I’ve been duped into believing an education’s worth receiving and actually went through with it, like a good monkey should. Sunday

  • la la laaa

    I’m done with classes, and once I finish a final paper, I will have completed seventeen years of formal education. I am more than ready-willing to leave this life-track after high school, you go to college and then what? I’m not going to grad school. I need to pay bills and loans, but to start

  • 2002 goodbyes

    After much anguish, almond iced tea, and pseudo-breakdancing, I finished my senior project in creative nonfiction, a paper comparing the deaths of Princess Di and Elvis Presley, a paper on the film The Exorcist (8 pages! and I could’ve written more!), and a final exam on early British literature. The whole ordeal was murderous, I

  • nag champa sandwiches, zombies, and O.G.D6

    I bought a box of Nag Champa incense today at a local witchshop and threw it without thought into my bag, right next to my lunch. Five hours later, I unassumingly took a bite of P ‘n’ J saturated with vile—the powerfume soaked through the box and past the sandwich baggie making for one nasty,

  • …and you all thought I died

    I apologize for the lack of updates, but I think a congratulations is in order, as I HAVE SURVIVED A HELL WEEK! mixed with ~heaven~ (ooooooo!) Wanna hear about it? Of course you do! Thursday was my last day of (first summer session) class, but I had a final paper yet to write, due on

  • Untitled

    Hey. There’s not a whole lotta news with this update. Yeah. I’m fully immersed in end-of-semester stress—I have a final on a Saturday afternoon (whhhhhhyyyyyy!!!!) and need to finish (…and start…) a project by Thursday on literacy and gender construction; I’m gonna mutilate Barbies with what else?—the English language. Should be messy good fun, if