I got a “real job” as a proofreader at a commercial printer. S’scary and fun and way overwhelming, but I think I’ll like it quite a lot once I wrap my brain around industry jargon and the forty plus (numerically and aged) people I met in the past two days. I’m like… an adult or…
the thief is me
For graduation I got new shoes, oatmeal cookies, and a digital camera. Today I look like this: I visited Fargo this past week in pity-preparation for ureteroscopic surgery to remove my kidney stone. All those hugs from family and friends must have jarred it loose, because I passed it through my system Saturday night making…
robots feel pain
I know I already mentioned (ranted about?) this in the last news item, but I thought I’d throw it out there again in a more positive light (…sort of…). I are a graduate! That’s right—I’ve been duped into believing an education’s worth receiving and actually went through with it, like a good monkey should. Sunday…
la la laaa
I’m done with classes, and once I finish a final paper, I will have completed seventeen years of formal education. I am more than ready-willing to leave this life-track after high school, you go to college and then what? I’m not going to grad school. I need to pay bills and loans, but to start…
introducing the lonely parts
I am the proud owner of an old bike! If you recall, I had a brand-new beaut torn from my life after my third time riding it last January. My friends Kevin and Kellen have been kind enough to give me another—or, equally true, I’ve been kind (humble) enough to take it off their hands.…
Long time, no update, and nothing new to say now ‘cept ughhh I wanna graduate, tear the timeleech from my mind. I’ve had more kidney trouble and with the non-pain days, fevers, headaches, and apathy. Trying to get help has been a nightmare—long story short, to ensure insurance covers the bills, I’ll have to make…
spring break bewarin’ the ides of march
Last night at Kevin Kautzman’s Cocktail Party, I read a short creative nonfiction piece and a bit of The Teaching Emotion to a small and non-threatening crowd. Contrary to my fear, I did not freak out, though much to listeners’ bemusement and even my own, I felt the need and did indeed do some stretching…
fakeproject is real
Last weekend I went to the Fargo Winter Carnival and was received, seen, and conquered by fakeproject, the sonic mindscape conceived, controlled, and disseminated by Dan Reetz and Shaun Fort. I’ve been trying to find the words all week to describe my head smashed against a speaker all weak to hear feel deep their latest…
no news is good
Not much to report. School started. I found a bunch of (…And You Will Know Us By the) Trail of Dead stickers. If you want one, ask. My friend Kevin has self-published his second novel, Cocktail—wheeeeeeee! I look forward. It was my brother Joe’s birthday a couple weeks ago—he’s (gasp!) 13. It’s my mom’s birthday…
joy, rage and adventures in interlibrary loan
Greetings. The holidays were great. I’m still on vacation until the 21st, yay. Been busy working and trying to nurse my sick computer back to health. If you have the piece-of-junk MSN Messenger tag-along program “loadqm” running in the background of your Windows, kill it, now. At least I’m pretty sure that’s what’s been giving…