• deferral of the inevitable with (dinosaur) adventures in 3D

    So technically this time—Sunday Sunday Sunday—is reserved for me to begin my senior paper project of a nonfictive creative nature with as-of-yet undetermined content. But I don’t know what to do (what the hell am I going to do??) so that’s right—deepsicks gets an update. Um… let’s see. Underworld was fantastic, spectacular amazing electrifying and

  • freebies and stupid breaking things

    I just fixed a busted link. Gimme a cookie! Wait, I have cookies—Halloween Oreos smashed to hell (on sale!) turning my spit to mud and—somehow—giving me a headache. Is this bad? Hm. Last night I saw “Red Dragon” in a free preview showing on campus. It was okay… a little sloppy and rushed at points,

  • feeling home

    Sorry it’s taken me awhile to get back with a “hey hey hey,” but hey hey hey! I’m all moved in, my room makes sense, I’m overcoming a cold with wide, mad strides, and the school/work pressure non-stop is not stoppin me. I’m not sure how or when it happened, but a seed has been

  • secretly punk rock

    I attended the multi-band, skateboard/bmx/motocross fest Warped Tour in St. Paul a couple weeks ago… yeah, yeah, I’m way slow with updates these days—work, school, blah blah blah. Anyway. I had a lot of fun despite not seeing Bad Religion because of the massive flash-flood rainstorm and having missed most of Thursday because the tour

  • …and you all thought I died

    I apologize for the lack of updates, but I think a congratulations is in order, as I HAVE SURVIVED A HELL WEEK! mixed with ~heaven~ (ooooooo!) Wanna hear about it? Of course you do! Thursday was my last day of (first summer session) class, but I had a final paper yet to write, due on

  • Untitled

    How ’bout this weather and my increasing fascination with humanity? awed by the jazz-blasting bus driver dressed to the nines and microfilm from ’62 when MLK Jr. was still alive and temperatures in the warm enough to ditch the flannel johns warm with the knowing that I’d wear my shorts were they not still show-dirty

  • Untitled

    Ka-BOOM. I’ve been driving my family insane and grossly neglecting academia. I have one day to read about 500 pages ranging from Dickens’ Hard Times to essays on “deep comic theory” and the hybrid identites of Pakistani Muslim women (um… those being separate topics). It’s weird—my hyper-stressed, übercathected person should be freaking out at this