• Merge

    Three months on, and I still don’t have the words. But I do have the pictures, the whole day off, fingerless gloves and a sleepy dog wedging her head in the base of the roller chair.

  • I said yes

    In June 2011 I said yes when Bree cajoled me into coming to the Twin Cities Improv Fest afterparty, like we were the cool kids, not superfan creepers.

  • Horse of a Different Color

    I pranced, galloped, sweat in troughs, high-hooved children and nuzzled howling teens, delighting looky-loos and certified queens and posed for dozens of selfies.

  • megholle.com switcheroo

    megholle.com got its clock cleaned. My librarian porfolio and résumé site has been moved to the subdomain librarian.megholle.com while megholle now goes to a personal and social media website portal because I wanted one and then I made it, lightweight and responsive and cute as a bug’s ear: Good times! The RSS feed for megholle.com

  • the middle highway

    Who knows how many times the collection had been shifted till at last stars aligned and mind and no mind met Arizona highways?

  • above and beyond!

    Well, lookee this! My horsehead antics at Yomicon won me an award! Here’s what my nominator had to say about my services: Read more about my new job at my portfolio site, megholle.com.

  • my new job

    Yomicon—”reading con”—is an annual anime/manga/cosplay event for teens at the Austin Public Library. The free five-hour event features geeky crafts, gaming, costume and art contests, Magic, Minecraft, manga drawing workshops and tons of nerd swag. They asked for staff volunteers; they got a creepy horse galomping about, nuzzling shrieking children. I worked the photo booth,

  • Chapter Next: Austin, TX

    Librarians, we’re the worst, we never rest, men in black will march to the reference desk, muzzle cries of access, freedom to read, information privacy, making inner worlds safe for democracy, enriched and courageous, one worth embracing.

  • lionsitting

    We stirred magic capsules in a cauldron of water till they turned into foam bugs.

  • safety and love

    I looked for proper dinosaurs to give my niece for her second birthday, but all I could find are battery-operated blinkenlight mech-warrior monstrosities, with guns.

  • christmas came!

    I launched my first tree, found last summer curbside-sad while on an alley jog through East Isles.

  • 2011 llama pageant

    Yesterday I saw my first llama pageant, an annual event at the Minnesota State Fair.