• happy h-day and vote nov. 7, my ammie pally-whos

    I cast my absentee ballot last week. Though I’m short a look-at-me, I’m-a-good-citizen “I voted!” sticker, I did get a SECRECY ENVELOPE, which more than made up for it (even though I had to send it back). I know it’s hard to tell whether I’m crying or rocking out: I am in fact rocking out.

  • will, way, check.

    If you’re reading this, I’m a genius, or dogged enough to figure out how to make it happen—ftp from the university in secrecy as though anyone would care, really, though surreptitious down- and uploading is undoubtedly frowned upon. I’ve been working at a library at the U of M since the beginning of September to

  • check

    Hi. Not a whole lot of news. Been in and out of good and bad and now I’m just confused but okay with it. For instance: I’m listening to Skinny Puppy but downloading Finding Nemo because I really want to see it. Speaking of SK, remember my claim that The Greater Wrong of the Right

  • like any

    Check out some cool Halloween shots in the newly updated archimago. The Hallowed Eve proper I became a Day of the Dead meets Misfits Fiend Hardcore Kid, an old costume revived in a panic of zero inspiration and the desire to be a badass yet… understated. I think it went well. I attended a party

  • happy hallows, saints, souls, and me!

    For Halloween my brother Bear, aged eleven almost twelve, will to be a Death Angel, the dearheart, complete with e v i l. Below is a photo of me and my best shot at Jim from 28 Days Later. Just couldn’t shave my head or justify buying a one-time use wig (and I didn’t even

  • there were so many dreams, there was no time for sleep

    This past couple of weeks I’ve shadowed the living in a constant state of shock, surreal—nothing surprises, only lets down and terrifies. Personally politically psychically I’m shaken, a manic puking mess hysterical, I laugh when I should cut, cry when I should fight back, sleep when I should write, dream when I should wake up,

  • deferral of the inevitable with (dinosaur) adventures in 3D

    So technically this time—Sunday Sunday Sunday—is reserved for me to begin my senior paper project of a nonfictive creative nature with as-of-yet undetermined content. But I don’t know what to do (what the hell am I going to do??) so that’s right—deepsicks gets an update. Um… let’s see. Underworld was fantastic, spectacular amazing electrifying and

  • the season is upon us

    It’s almost October, all right! You know what this means: good smelling changing leaves, lots of spooky-good candy, buckets-of-blood ‘n’ bags-of-bones all ending with a BANG! though really… Halloween is every day : ) Muahahahaha! Now what am I going to wear…. Speaking of wearing things—despite my refusal to wear shirts with words, I would