Everything is big when you are small.
first halloween
So ready for live theater.
Reverse Mermaid
It feels improper to be so damn pleased, but how can I help anything?
Halloween 2016
Halloween saw me a pumpkinhead.
bleeding heart
Halloween sneaked up again. I’m still not used to the 80s in October, a blood warmth that belies to me only July, a summer that lasts forever.
Day of the Dead Skull Head
skeleton time
It’s that time of the year! to Alas, Poor Yorick pumpkins…
Crawled all over a haunted rock this Halloween, but this was the only ghost I saw
Ghost bike!
had me at we’ll turn invisible
Part dare, part dream camping in Texas on Halloween? aw what the hell, yes please.
belated bebearded boo
Any excuse to buy the Leading Man Wig!
What’re you gonna be for Halloweeeeeeen? Hell if we know.
the season is come
Blood orange bat Dots. Adorable AND delicious.
when the world gives you lemons
eve instructions
Choose your weapons wisely.
scaring out hell
The result of $4 in photocopies at Office Max, smashed against the Xerox glass.
the eve approacheth
Gettin’ in the mood. Ima miss the fireworks this year, though. Oh, Canada.
booooo target
This pretty much makes up for everything, for all time.
boo bravo
I am naturally biased, but oh, my lil jack-o-lantern squash turned out gorgeous. Its seeds weren’t bad, either.
zombies, hooray!
A few hundred zombies lurched from Centennial Square to the Legislature and back, with a detour through the Bay Centre shopping mall and occasional pause to pose with the screaming children of Korean tourists.
speak of the devil
Late last May I wound up in a cemetery.