Who knows how many times the collection had been shifted till at last stars aligned and mind and no mind met Arizona highways?
help us help you help us
Twilight graveyard
Savers Thrift Store: Where Twilight goes to die.
You as a Machine
From the Basic Science Education Series, 1955.
I, Robot
How did I get to almost-thirty-two before reading I, Robot? So enjoyable. Fawcett Crest, 1970 printing.
book club with grandpa
I was in a book club this summer with my grandpa. He picked Moby Dick.
down to the tightrolls
I read a lot of graphic novels. “Oh, like Watchmen.” Well. No. And I suppose we could wrestle the semantics of graphics, what it means to be a comic when the content isn’t funny, or if it’s still literary when the letters scribble off, word bubbles popped. Many prominent artists are my age, or just…
three inches
Not hard to keep my chin up, just hard to keep from laughing, I know better than to take anything too seriously.
lest you get any ideas
Before, language. Aftermath.
speak of the devil
Late last May I wound up in a cemetery.
the idiots
Victoria finally got the guts, the ambition, the fire in its belly eating up the oxygen from the wind in its sails to scorch its fair citizens with 84 degrees, no breeze, brazen.
feeling all right
Greatings! No cataclysms are occurring but good things nonetheless. First of all and most marvelously, I have a library internship at Utne magazine starting at the end of the month through the end of August. For those unaware, Utne is compiled from thousands of alternative and small-press publications, zines, books and internet sites, serving up…
still lookin
Hey. Still working on CSS hax0rz and stuff. Check out the Wormwood photos from the Meiosis release here. JM Coetzee’s Disgrace is the best-written book I’ve ever read. Thanks to Mark for insisting well over a year ago that I read it. I don’t know whether the delay reflects upon me poorly (about time) or…
Long time, no update, and nothing new to say now ‘cept ughhh I wanna graduate, tear the timeleech from my mind. I’ve had more kidney trouble and with the non-pain days, fevers, headaches, and apathy. Trying to get help has been a nightmare—long story short, to ensure insurance covers the bills, I’ll have to make…
spring break bewarin’ the ides of march
Last night at Kevin Kautzman’s Cocktail Party, I read a short creative nonfiction piece and a bit of The Teaching Emotion to a small and non-threatening crowd. Contrary to my fear, I did not freak out, though much to listeners’ bemusement and even my own, I felt the need and did indeed do some stretching…
joy, rage and adventures in interlibrary loan
Greetings. The holidays were great. I’m still on vacation until the 21st, yay. Been busy working and trying to nurse my sick computer back to health. If you have the piece-of-junk MSN Messenger tag-along program “loadqm” running in the background of your Windows, kill it, now. At least I’m pretty sure that’s what’s been giving…