In effort to raise funds to ship myself to Canada, I am offering the last print of famed and fabled ZOMBIKEN! up for ebay auction.
life in pixels
Short on words but not on shots. May 11-14 I visited my friend Nathan in the Pacific Northwest. D6 lifers may recall my visit to him last year, when he lived in Tacoma. He now lives in Seattle. I was met off the bus from the airport with squeals and glee by my old Minneapolis…
figure C
Humor for a moment my crush on the Buddha—or should I say what can I say? I enjoy thinking about not thinking and living the life I’m not killing. In my flirtation I have run across the following dialogue between the layman Ho and the Chinese Zen master Baso. With this exchange, Ho became deeply…
Pedestrians run. The enemy is all around. I stare at the ground through the slit between my scarf and hat; an inch eye elevated to see where I’m going would widen a crevice and I’d be caught at the throat down the coat cold eviscerated. I could be hit by a truck and not notice,…
It’s been over a month since my last update. I would love to regale all with tales of fantastica, but not much of celebratory or even noteworthy note’s been going on. Joy’s concrete but diffuse and too tied to the dark too deep, especially when I’m out of it. Saturday morning I got up at…