• Halloween 2016

    Halloween saw me a pumpkinhead.                                               

  • three inches

    Not hard to keep my chin up, just hard to keep from laughing, I know better than to take anything too seriously.

  • century of the self

    Y’all cogs are fools, capitalistic tools, me too tis of thee, all sorts of angst I thought I’s over, sidling up to thirty.

  • recapped

    It was safest to walk down the center of the street, Minneapolis iced up mulling deep the responsi-liabilities, post-Christmas economy crash cow, it’s on us, you know. For worshiping idle, being economical, our faults, for knitting our own scarves to keep warm and our pennies, kill ourselves for loonies (MAD MEN!) how we’ll hang from

  • keeping my nose clean

    Though several days have passed since the election of the Next President of the United States, I haven’t updated since, and so: My guy won! Woohoo!

  • the idiots

    Victoria finally got the guts, the ambition, the fire in its belly eating up the oxygen from the wind in its sails to scorch its fair citizens with 84 degrees, no breeze, brazen.

  • passing the timing

    Mid-May my laptop’s A/C adapter expires and I can’t seem to replace it locally for under $150 say what? yeah, and I get sick of looking—the Mom and Pop shrugging and the superslick Big Box Boys shoving into my hands product I can’t afford then blocking the rack so I can’t put it back while

  • despare me

    Finally got new Wormwood photos up (the show was July 7). They’re arranged in a more linear (or would that be circular?) photo album, with thanks to Dan for giving a shove in the right direction. Took me the better part of this fine afternoon figuring it through—will take additional tweaking does it keep. Today

  • warmer

    It’s been over a month since my last update. I would love to regale all with tales of fantastica, but not much of celebratory or even noteworthy note’s been going on. Joy’s concrete but diffuse and too tied to the dark too deep, especially when I’m out of it. Saturday morning I got up at

  • not safe for humans

    i swore i wouldn’t watch it. the moment i heard it happened, i swore i didn’t want to see. it was linked from a friend’s site. “not safe for work, life, humans” is all it said, and curiosity clicked. when the media player stalled at the opening, i knew immediately this is it but only

  • goodbye, cruel worldwideweb

    A couple mornings ago I noticed an .mpg all conspicuous-like on my server; it was uploaded by Dan, who shares this space, and how precious the weirdness that waited upon discovery of the Scar Strangled Banter (the film has been moved to another server—see news item above). The bizarre brainchild of Brandon Marback, SSB combines

  • happy new year

    I don’t make resolutions, I make demands, and I want to get what I want. I want a job I care about that’s not in a suburb, I want to return to Uptown slash “that feeling,” and I want to ride a bike everywhere I need and would care to go. Yesterday I saw the

  • tuning out, turning in

    And how was your day? and how was your day? and how was your day at every moment step stop of the way could be doing anything, so I decided I would. Stop writing about writing, talking about talking, dreaming about dreaming. Now I do about doing. I am on sabbatical, become every bit as

  • the therebefore

    Friday after work I drove to Fargo doubting, was I doing the right thing? hanging onto seven years that hang and hold me. One of the very few things that happened that happened in The Teaching Emotion is that a nobody band named AFI played in a basement in West Fargo, North Dakota, September 27,

  • not a social ill, just socially ill

    As a profoundly dedicated music enthusiast, I’m deeply numbed by the Chicago and Rhode Island nightclub tragedies. My thoughts are with the victims, survivors, and their families, and I wish they didn’t need to be—I wish they weren’t ’cause I can think of nothing else, and it makes me want to throw up. While ostensibly

  • there were so many dreams, there was no time for sleep

    This past couple of weeks I’ve shadowed the living in a constant state of shock, surreal—nothing surprises, only lets down and terrifies. Personally politically psychically I’m shaken, a manic puking mess hysterical, I laugh when I should cut, cry when I should fight back, sleep when I should write, dream when I should wake up,

  • headline quick cuts open, kills student

    Is it poor form to show pain in digital? couldn’t be as possibly as numb as in passing to notice a headline on a monitor at work, a mute machine informing me my senator is dead and i try to unlearn it, try to make it unreal, i try to find words to fit the