We did that thing that people do.
scribble scrabbles
The more you look, the more you see.
always with you
These days I have a hard time with long-form writing.
Every moment of every day there’s an eclipse in space.
Monsters in there
It’s brave to know when you’re scared.
This local natural area has a point of interest called Blood Pit—terribly on brand for the 78666.
Caddo Lake
We came for the moss, herons and egrets.
Three months on, and I still don’t have the words. But I do have the pictures, the whole day off, fingerless gloves and a sleepy dog wedging her head in the base of the roller chair.
New Orleans!
My last and only time in the Crescent City, I was 20, a roadtrip pilgrimage to goth Mecca with Anna and Bennett to poke through cemeteries, corset shops and dance floors, adamant we had no interest in stalking Anne Rice.
Leaf Peepin
October saw us on aeroplanes herk-jerkin to Boston that chewed us up in traffic and spit us out on 93. It was dark and stormy when we reached our destination—a New Hampshire cabin owned by Arthur’s aunt and uncle.
Big Bend and Marfa
We wanted to camp in Big Bend and return to the McDonald Observatory. See the heavens through giant telescopes, through our naked eyes, tiny orbs in the galaxy and the Marfa lights.
algae poke
We biked to where the algae poking was good, put sticks in it and stirred.
birthday cave
Wednesday was Arthur’s birthday.
Arkansas Adventure
For Memorial Day Weekend we went to Hot Springs, Arkansas, famed for its ancient, bubbling waters the one-time cure-all of baseball players, gangsters and the frail elite, the ailing down-and-out, too. While some original offerings are intact—spas in the historic buildings along Bathhouse Row—tourist trap attractions have taken hold in haunted street tours, the duck-bus-boat-things…
new map
Where do I begin?
This time we go west, wave at Fredericksburg as we pass, into the deep expanse of desert steppe and mesas.
House on the Rock
A shaky truth inside rebuke: Desire this wild, this intense and detailed excises the requirement to answer for it.
New York for a day
Danced the darkness in and away.
Costa Rica! Part 1: San José
This post covers the first leg, when I was working in the capital San José, with some exploring on my own but mostly touring with university folks.
Costa Rica! Part 2: Limón
his post focuses on the off-on-my-own, terrifying-crazy-awesome-fun time when I stayed in hostels on the Caribbean Sea.