Don’t always believe.
dancing in the dark
Over a year later, my knee’s still not the same, but I find myself dancing anyway.
deepsicks is ten years old!
It feels like it’s outside of me, and it’s silly, I know. Like my website has an agenda and imagination of its own.
selected miami textures
Occasionally mid-continent the plane becomes a spaceship and I disembark onto another planet.
toilet of despair
adventures in libraryland, San Diego edition
Work sent me to San Diego. I did a lot of puking, hating my skin and presenting research skills half outside my body.
christmas came!
I launched my first tree, found last summer curbside-sad while on an alley jog through East Isles.
you are not dead for the holidays
Have some (ma)lingering names yet on your holiday list?
Crawled all over a haunted rock this Halloween, but this was the only ghost I saw
Ghost bike!
had me at we’ll turn invisible
Part dare, part dream camping in Texas on Halloween? aw what the hell, yes please.
belated bebearded boo
Any excuse to buy the Leading Man Wig!
never know
zombie commodity
In 2008 for the Victoria, BC, zombiewalk I made brains out of bread and glue and had them gaping through a tear in my toque: Three years later, Target sells it for $12: Flattering? Infuriating? Am I really smart or really stupid, both or neither or nothing? BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAINS.
down to the tightrolls
I read a lot of graphic novels. “Oh, like Watchmen.” Well. No. And I suppose we could wrestle the semantics of graphics, what it means to be a comic when the content isn’t funny, or if it’s still literary when the letters scribble off, word bubbles popped. Many prominent artists are my age, or just…
What’re you gonna be for Halloweeeeeeen? Hell if we know.
the season is come
Blood orange bat Dots. Adorable AND delicious.
You Are Not Dead: the Revenge!
After several weekends of Sturm und Drang, I am pleased to present…
2011 llama pageant
Yesterday I saw my first llama pageant, an annual event at the Minnesota State Fair.
never miss a moment
Life will never be more amazing and mad than this.
air, conditioned
It’s 90 degrees inside my apartment. Let’s not discuss outside.