• decembering

    Into a false winter where the sun still feels a balmy 69 then sets when it damn please.

  • skeleton time

    It’s that time of the year! to Alas, Poor Yorick pumpkins…

  • the middle highway

    Who knows how many times the collection had been shifted till at last stars aligned and mind and no mind met Arizona highways?

  • above and beyond!

    Well, lookee this! My horsehead antics at Yomicon won me an award! Here’s what my nominator had to say about my services: Read more about my new job at my portfolio site, megholle.com.

  • my new job

    Yomicon—”reading con”—is an annual anime/manga/cosplay event for teens at the Austin Public Library. The free five-hour event features geeky crafts, gaming, costume and art contests, Magic, Minecraft, manga drawing workshops and tons of nerd swag. They asked for staff volunteers; they got a creepy horse galomping about, nuzzling shrieking children. I worked the photo booth,

  • Arkansas Adventure

    For Memorial Day Weekend we went to Hot Springs, Arkansas, famed for its ancient, bubbling waters the one-time cure-all of baseball players, gangsters and the frail elite, the ailing down-and-out, too. While some original offerings are intact—spas in the historic buildings along Bathhouse Row—tourist trap attractions have taken hold in haunted street tours, the duck-bus-boat-things