weeding wonder
I’m doing grubby pulls, the grossest of the gross, a final sweep before we RFID everything. Get those torn, ragged, stained, worn smokers’ home monstrosities off the shelf.
megholle.com switcheroo
megholle.com got its clock cleaned. My librarian porfolio and résumé site has been moved to the subdomain librarian.megholle.com while megholle now goes to a personal and social media website portal because I wanted one and then I made it, lightweight and responsive and cute as a bug’s ear: Good times! The RSS feed for megholle.com…
Big Bend and Marfa
We wanted to camp in Big Bend and return to the McDonald Observatory. See the heavens through giant telescopes, through our naked eyes, tiny orbs in the galaxy and the Marfa lights.
hipster Easter bunny cake
Proof I am my mother’s daughter.
snail chainmail
He shines at cutting to the chase. Upfront about openness and great at advice, our hearts have often been in the best worst place, and he never lets me get away with not knowing what I’m really saying.
my first sxsw
It was my first South by Southwest, smack in the heart of the beast of roving gangs of musicians and geeks emitting burned CDs like throwing stars, rising.
portraits with my valentine,
a squirrel, a possum, a song bird, a paperclip.
algae poke
We biked to where the algae poking was good, put sticks in it and stirred.