We are more than our building.
We are More Than Books.
dour thoughts
There are things I will never recover. There are things I shouldn’t keep.
Snow days, Holledays
We put new tires on the Fit and tricked the dogs into thinking we were going to the park.
art imitates strife
Arthur sold a painting.
Your first time looking, you would be forgiven.
Reverse Mermaid
It feels improper to be so damn pleased, but how can I help anything?
Pumpkin Bread
I have such a crush on Lafitte.
Tropical Sturm und Drang
I love storms, the rain, the rush, but already this is ridiculous and a little scary.
Caddo Lake
We came for the moss, herons and egrets.
Best Valentine Ever
Finally unleashed the valentine I’ve had in my head for years. Couldn’t not. Oh, my heart.
I didn’t catch his name. His human didn’t have many teeth in her face.
National Character Assassination
I don’t need to go through everything. I write this for me, not you, and plenty has been said already.
Halloween 2016
Halloween saw me a pumpkinhead.
Beats in Bones
I don’t go dancing much anymore. Part of it is parking. Part is feeling old, bad neck back ached, past my bedtime and feeling out of element.
Pep Talk
JK Rowling tells me what’s up.
Pressed and pretty good
Got a bug in my ear, scratched till it bled, then oops oh baby had to clean the mess.
The Mockingbird
We adopted Lafitte in January. Those PAWS! That tail. She’s a sweet girl and total monster, escape-artist, stealing food off the counter. We named her after a pirate, so it’s our own damn fault.
Bot Party meets SX
SXSW 2016. I didn’t have a real badge this year and that was just fine. My FOMO has a incontrovertible bullshit detector of negative putting up with it, besides. I had robots to mind.
Three months on, and I still don’t have the words. But I do have the pictures, the whole day off, fingerless gloves and a sleepy dog wedging her head in the base of the roller chair.
Weltschmerz Doorbuster
I remember you. I took you in when you didn’t want me to. Shelter from the riders on the storm.