I’m pretty sure they’re mine. I know they’re mine.
I am the spider.
passing the timing
Mid-May my laptop’s A/C adapter expires and I can’t seem to replace it locally for under $150 say what? yeah, and I get sick of looking—the Mom and Pop shrugging and the superslick Big Box Boys shoving into my hands product I can’t afford then blocking the rack so I can’t put it back while…
say uncle
I figured a nod to Vlad and my vamp-fueled youth long overdue. Say Uncle.
i bought a mango
Short termed or not or what, I moved here. It’s time to live here.
happy birthday, d6!
This March marks the fifth year of deepsicks dot com! Five years old, baby honey! SOOOO BIG!
building a desert
I have to remind myself to remember, take pictures. Slow down.
new happy year
When I first moved to Vancouver, I had a three-month sublet, a bedroom filled with meanings not my own. Everything is temporary, knew that already, eating off a stranger’s plates and sleeping in a stranger’s bed. I looked forward to a different living situation to have a space of my own, with my own things,…
fight this
Trekking all over Seattle finds me a tofu corn dog and Chipotle I couldn’t pass up, poetry on the streets sold on scraps and rapped from corners.
snow day
It’s been raining every day for a month. Saturday afternoon, it started to snow. I forgot the cold, forgave the cloaks on still green leaves, the waxy tropic ovals without a Midwest chance. The home-from-campus bus that normally drags out sighs, claws patience, twists my spine into a hateful slump waste of time delivers a…