After much anguish, almond iced tea, and pseudo-breakdancing, I finished my senior project in creative nonfiction, a paper comparing the deaths of Princess Di and Elvis Presley, a paper on the film The Exorcist (8 pages! and I could’ve written more!), and a final exam on early British literature. The whole ordeal was murderous, I…
Happy Turkey Genocide Day!
Just a note to let all know that I’m not dead yet though I kinda wish I were with school stabbing stabbing. Oh wow, I just found a piece of candy corn in my chair. Anyway, yeah, I’m feeling much better, thank you, but true deepsicklove waits. And what again?—site changes are on the way…
nag champa sandwiches, zombies, and O.G.D6
I bought a box of Nag Champa incense today at a local witchshop and threw it without thought into my bag, right next to my lunch. Five hours later, I unassumingly took a bite of P ‘n’ J saturated with vile—the powerfume soaked through the box and past the sandwich baggie making for one nasty,…
there were so many dreams, there was no time for sleep
This past couple of weeks I’ve shadowed the living in a constant state of shock, surreal—nothing surprises, only lets down and terrifies. Personally politically psychically I’m shaken, a manic puking mess hysterical, I laugh when I should cut, cry when I should fight back, sleep when I should write, dream when I should wake up,…
deferral of the inevitable with (dinosaur) adventures in 3D
So technically this time—Sunday Sunday Sunday—is reserved for me to begin my senior paper project of a nonfictive creative nature with as-of-yet undetermined content. But I don’t know what to do (what the hell am I going to do??) so that’s right—deepsicks gets an update. Um… let’s see. Underworld was fantastic, spectacular amazing electrifying and…
headline quick cuts open, kills student
Is it poor form to show pain in digital? couldn’t be as possibly as numb as in passing to notice a headline on a monitor at work, a mute machine informing me my senator is dead and i try to unlearn it, try to make it unreal, i try to find words to fit the…
Things To Bring: Ticket, Earplugs, Aspirin, Sweat, Pen, Paper, Awe
Tomorrow at seven a.m. I embark on a nine-hour journey via Greyhound to Chicago to see Underworld, the techno-electro pulse-trigger god brigade who in my circa six years of listening to them have provided nights on end of mediation and dancing around my room like everyone’s watching, not to mention imbued within my writing the…
Northeast Minneapolis, 10.06.02, 1:13 AM
Nic begins a story when holy shit! the car ahead of us hits a pole in the median of Hennepin and sails through the air. We watch between the wipers/through the drops as the vehicle does a quarter turn considers flipping clean over but nosedives instead into the concrete CRUNCH I panic pumping brakes barely…
freebies and stupid breaking things
I just fixed a busted link. Gimme a cookie! Wait, I have cookies—Halloween Oreos smashed to hell (on sale!) turning my spit to mud and—somehow—giving me a headache. Is this bad? Hm. Last night I saw “Red Dragon” in a free preview showing on campus. It was okay… a little sloppy and rushed at points,…
the season is upon us
It’s almost October, all right! You know what this means: good smelling changing leaves, lots of spooky-good candy, buckets-of-blood ‘n’ bags-of-bones all ending with a BANG! though really… Halloween is every day : ) Muahahahaha! Now what am I going to wear…. Speaking of wearing things—despite my refusal to wear shirts with words, I would…
feeling home
Sorry it’s taken me awhile to get back with a “hey hey hey,” but hey hey hey! I’m all moved in, my room makes sense, I’m overcoming a cold with wide, mad strides, and the school/work pressure non-stop is not stoppin me. I’m not sure how or when it happened, but a seed has been…
all I need is this chair, this chair and that’s all I need
So. I’m moving. Still in Min-ap ‘course, but rent’s a’raising in Slum Central and greener worlds await. Therefore this’ll be the last update until my roomies and I get the cable person over, which could be a couple weeks since we can’t actually move in until… not for awhile, and I’m out of my current…
d6 killing storms, Underworld leaving earth and throwaway prophesies
The website suffered some downtime last weekend due to a storm that took out an antennae in good ol’ Fargo. Eh, what can ya do. I apologize for any inconvenience… ’cause I know this is a high traffic site and all, especially with all the new visitors and stuff. The messagebored is also doing weird…
secretly punk rock
I attended the multi-band, skateboard/bmx/motocross fest Warped Tour in St. Paul a couple weeks ago… yeah, yeah, I’m way slow with updates these days—work, school, blah blah blah. Anyway. I had a lot of fun despite not seeing Bad Religion because of the massive flash-flood rainstorm and having missed most of Thursday because the tour…
…and you all thought I died
I apologize for the lack of updates, but I think a congratulations is in order, as I HAVE SURVIVED A HELL WEEK! mixed with ~heaven~ (ooooooo!) Wanna hear about it? Of course you do! Thursday was my last day of (first summer session) class, but I had a final paper yet to write, due on…
super crazy fun KMFDM no sleep whoa… do I really look that evil? day
The messageboard has been renamed the Epich, Bree, and .meg Carnival of Putting Down the Flesh. The first person who fully “gets it” also gets a prize—I’ll make sure it’s cool. So. I’m going to KMFDM this evening; late tonight I’m driving no sleep to visit my grandpa in western North Dakota (I finally get…
digital camera fun and fists against apathy
News items will now have headings. You like? Good! So this is me delaying the inevitable—homework—what the hell was I thinking? Summer school? So why the update, um… I changed a pic on the bio page and uploaded some shots so everyone can see my new pants, burned foot, and a week’s wages, all linked…
stepping beyond
This piece was first composed July 10, 2001, as an email to three friends then expanded and revised in the spring of 2002 in a creative nonfiction course. Yes, it’s a true story—the Real MacKaye. 🙂 If ever you eat at My Viet in Fargo, North Dakota, check out the upright beverage cooler crammed with fruit…
DJ Shadow’s “Private Press” owns my stereo and I start summer school in a week < cries >. The city looked mighty sinister this evening, dark blue gray and aching haze, walls of clouds enclosing the skyscrapers (mmm, i love) thunder thunder lightening ahead…. Speaking of which, I started Underworld’s Instrumental to Change bit… it’s…
On May 27th, at 2:09 PM… Retrieving something from the top of my closet, I knocked my deodorant off the shelf which somehow managed to land on the switch of the power strip which hooks up our internet cable box and router (yes, our network is in my closet). Everything shut off for about 10…