I’m pretty sure they’re mine. I know they’re mine.
I am the spider.
passing the timing
Mid-May my laptop’s A/C adapter expires and I can’t seem to replace it locally for under $150 say what? yeah, and I get sick of looking—the Mom and Pop shrugging and the superslick Big Box Boys shoving into my hands product I can’t afford then blocking the rack so I can’t put it back while…
say uncle
I figured a nod to Vlad and my vamp-fueled youth long overdue. Say Uncle.
i bought a mango
Short termed or not or what, I moved here. It’s time to live here.
happy birthday, d6!
This March marks the fifth year of deepsicks dot com! Five years old, baby honey! SOOOO BIG!
building a desert
I have to remind myself to remember, take pictures. Slow down.
new happy year
When I first moved to Vancouver, I had a three-month sublet, a bedroom filled with meanings not my own. Everything is temporary, knew that already, eating off a stranger’s plates and sleeping in a stranger’s bed. I looked forward to a different living situation to have a space of my own, with my own things,…
fight this
Trekking all over Seattle finds me a tofu corn dog and Chipotle I couldn’t pass up, poetry on the streets sold on scraps and rapped from corners.
snow day
It’s been raining every day for a month. Saturday afternoon, it started to snow. I forgot the cold, forgave the cloaks on still green leaves, the waxy tropic ovals without a Midwest chance. The home-from-campus bus that normally drags out sighs, claws patience, twists my spine into a hateful slump waste of time delivers a…
happy h-day and vote nov. 7, my ammie pally-whos
I cast my absentee ballot last week. Though I’m short a look-at-me, I’m-a-good-citizen “I voted!” sticker, I did get a SECRECY ENVELOPE, which more than made up for it (even though I had to send it back). I know it’s hard to tell whether I’m crying or rocking out: I am in fact rocking out.…
i am the trespassenger and i ride and i ride, and yes, roll the window down this cool night air is curious.
I’ve been here a month and some. It seems about that long. So. Have I made loads of awesome new friends? Not really. Have I found the sickest clubs with the phattest beats? No. Did I dance in a park with a bunch of hippies, step over hypodermics, dodge the homeless, fight the post office,…
paradigm SHIFT!
I know what youall are thinking, you’re thinking tell us about Vancouver! and get all philosophical while you punish us with your emotional agenda! Sorry, folks, but I’ve been ill with a nasty cold and overwhelmed with various activities of the needful kind and sneaking in the exploration when I’m not pass-out fatigued or dizzy…
what will i done
My train leaves in 6 hours. I know people who know people who have taken the same train just to take it—the journey the destination across the plains and through the mountains it’s so gorgeous, just you wait westward bound on the shamelessly named Empire Builder. When my dad was a little boy, he took…
In effort to raise funds to ship myself to Canada, I am offering the last print of famed and fabled ZOMBIKEN! up for ebay auction.
righting now
Working at the library, I have an hour lunch break I take late afternoon, often outside when the weather suits fine. I sit in the grass and eat and read and have taken to the squirrels and taken flak for it. Mangy, vicious beasts! Vile creatures, too quick and crawly wily! I break off pieces…
life in pixels
Short on words but not on shots. May 11-14 I visited my friend Nathan in the Pacific Northwest. D6 lifers may recall my visit to him last year, when he lived in Tacoma. He now lives in Seattle. I was met off the bus from the airport with squeals and glee by my old Minneapolis…
we are what america looks like
On April 28, 2006, I took a half shift at work to join my brother Sam on the steps of Northrop at the U of M campus for a metrowide student walkout war protest. The last antiwar march I went to, the United States wasn’t even at war yet. This was over three years ago,…
figure C
Humor for a moment my crush on the Buddha—or should I say what can I say? I enjoy thinking about not thinking and living the life I’m not killing. In my flirtation I have run across the following dialogue between the layman Ho and the Chinese Zen master Baso. With this exchange, Ho became deeply…
Pedestrians run. The enemy is all around. I stare at the ground through the slit between my scarf and hat; an inch eye elevated to see where I’m going would widen a crevice and I’d be caught at the throat down the coat cold eviscerated. I could be hit by a truck and not notice,…