Late last May I wound up in a cemetery.
more fun than Eddie Murphy in French
It’s been tough this election season, being in Canada where the action ain’t (and they’ve their own campaigns to mind). Mostly, I cry. Oh glorious day, when my absentee ballot arrived. In 2006 I took a photo to commemorate my Secrecy Envelope. This year, I’ve pulled out all the stops to document my patriotic anguish…
9/11 is the new thanksgiving
Even in Canada. Especially in Canada, with its pre-Halloween Turkey Day.
i went to the animal fair
The birds and the beasts were there.
being a good american
When I first heard months ago that the Republican National Convention would assemble in St. Paul, a tic tore through my body, psychosomatic dread and detestation you’re not welcome don’t you dare shield your faces in my city. Worst, my howled-raw voice and middle fingers wouldn’t be there. I thought about it—taking break from idyllic…
let the shames begin
Torn at the moment, an eight-year affair, two years divorced but I’m so goddamned close it’s all I can do to keep from crying just wanting to be there.
Today I ate a deformed apple. It’s one of the ways I give back.
guest post
There’s this one girl? She knows I’m me.
the idiots
Victoria finally got the guts, the ambition, the fire in its belly eating up the oxygen from the wind in its sails to scorch its fair citizens with 84 degrees, no breeze, brazen.
moving daze
Deepsicks and its many tentacles will be moving to a new host!
Hello, internets. I’m backed up on images with words falling into other places, and that’s just fine. April was roaming the seaside. I was in a new temporary neighborhood, with a housesat decrepit cat in a temporary frame of mind, tromping around in Papa Bear’s purple Crocs and watching BBC’s Planet Earth in a pile…
worthe it
Walking home from the fake chicken store, I see a couple kids across the street, business-poised proud and hailing me over. Yippee, and hell yeah! Young entrepreneurs selling some flavors, lemon sour sugar sweet refreshment on an okay, so it’s a gray April day that doesn’t need ice-cold relief. But a brightening…? I’ll take it.…
She is in the Used section, old and scarred, and I can’t stop staring at her. She is so beautiful.
you are not dead
As many of you know, I have enjoyed a long-time, time-and-again collaboration with musician and artist Daniel Reetz of the Fakeproject Corporation of America. After five years of dereconstructing sounds, sharpening words, pushing pixels and losing ground to years-long diversions, we are pleased at last to present You Are Not Dead: A Guide to Modern…
how to watch a lunar eclipse
I inherited a tripod from one of my new roommates. It is basic but serviceable. I know there’s no way my camera will catch the moon missing, but the February 21 lunar eclipse is a good opportunity to take out the tripod and practice unmoving. Speaking of (un)moving, things have been good here in Victoria,…
heir to the era, et cetera
Fist-twist the huhhhh? out of your eyes and gaze upon the new empire. The front-end of deepsicks is now powered by WordPress, “semantic personal publishing platform” eXtraordinaire. In less loftiness, I got some new blog software. It’s neat. It’s mighty. It will allow me to do things hitherto impossible or too arcane to figure out…
the adventure
For a month I carried my life around in a suitcase.
it was summer, now it’s autumn
How much longer do I need to learn that everything is temporary.
introducing the rising
I’m excited to announce the creation of a new blog. That’s right, a blog!
the red brings out my eyes
I wanted to be part of the horde, not part of the part that moves in for the money shot and suspends the disbelief.