Happy Fourth!
truth in signage
An accurate depiction of women at the Urban Plains Center in Fargo, ND.
36 tornadoes came to minnesota
and all the Cities got was this orangesicle sky. Through with day before the night that’s just what the light looked like, and everyone left their window panes to stand in the roiling heat of the street, meet their neighbors and share what they know about science.
you are not dead, just wow
There is an impulse to not be impulsive.
hope against hope against the tide
Thanks, moon, for low tide.
soo (tres)pass
The family that trespasses together, stays together.
you are not dead media
FPCAN’s Danielle Marleau, producer/director at Black Pants, discusses You Are Not Dead on Canada’s teevee (!)
scared funny
It’s funny, because it really is scary.
d6 redux!
Yippee and hooray, deepsicks is new new! as friends of the site will notice.
FPCAN’s You Are Not Dead
Daniel Reetz and I have published You Are Not Dead: A Guide to Modern Living (the Canadian Edition).
… is live! The play based on my work, You Are Not Dead: A Guide to Modern Living runs in Vancouver May 27 – June 5. Tickets are on sale now! Check out the Fakeproject Corporation Canadian Chapter for more information. A printed copy of the guide, filled with Daniel Reetz’s gorgeous images, will be…
Spring is come. I show my body who’s boss.
aaaaaaaaand we’re back
were back weeks ago, but Life had other plans.
to every thing
There is a season.
not the one
This isn’t like that.
you are not dead: a play for modest giving
You Are Not Dead: A Guide to Modern Living is becoming a play! In 2008 Daniel Reetz and I released this music, image and text collaboration online for free. It filtered through Vancouver peripheries into the imagination of Danielle Marleau of Black Pants and is being adapted as a stage production for premiere mid-May in…
bellow yellow
find out what it means to me
new neighbors
I woke up yesterday to a couple new neighbors all up in my bricks.
winter swamp walkabout
Spring is coming. It’s the Law.