Don’t always believe.
dancing in the dark
Over a year later, my knee’s still not the same, but I find myself dancing anyway.
deepsicks is ten years old!
It feels like it’s outside of me, and it’s silly, I know. Like my website has an agenda and imagination of its own.
selected miami textures
Occasionally mid-continent the plane becomes a spaceship and I disembark onto another planet.
toilet of despair
adventures in libraryland, San Diego edition
Work sent me to San Diego. I did a lot of puking, hating my skin and presenting research skills half outside my body.
christmas came!
I launched my first tree, found last summer curbside-sad while on an alley jog through East Isles.
you are not dead for the holidays
Have some (ma)lingering names yet on your holiday list?
Crawled all over a haunted rock this Halloween, but this was the only ghost I saw
Ghost bike!
had me at we’ll turn invisible
Part dare, part dream camping in Texas on Halloween? aw what the hell, yes please.