I just bought some sweet sweet server space up the wahzoo of the sky. For real. It will take ’til tomorrow to get my account activated, and more time to change info with my domain name, and yet more to transfer/reupload all that is deepsicks and make sure everything’s working properly. This is just a…
holy giant squid, batman!
I got a “real job” as a proofreader at a commercial printer. S’scary and fun and way overwhelming, but I think I’ll like it quite a lot once I wrap my brain around industry jargon and the forty plus (numerically and aged) people I met in the past two days. I’m like… an adult or…
introducing the lonely parts
I am the proud owner of an old bike! If you recall, I had a brand-new beaut torn from my life after my third time riding it last January. My friends Kevin and Kellen have been kind enough to give me another—or, equally true, I’ve been kind (humble) enough to take it off their hands.…
spring break bewarin’ the ides of march
Last night at Kevin Kautzman’s Cocktail Party, I read a short creative nonfiction piece and a bit of The Teaching Emotion to a small and non-threatening crowd. Contrary to my fear, I did not freak out, though much to listeners’ bemusement and even my own, I felt the need and did indeed do some stretching…
gimme a gold star
Shower me with cookies and As for the day—deepsicks has a new messagebored! The foot is down, through with Alxnet and its shady constant breaking, date switcheroos, failure to post replies, and invisible-making of members. The new bored is provided by www.aimoo.com, a pretty sweet community as far as I can tell. As for the…
not a social ill, just socially ill
As a profoundly dedicated music enthusiast, I’m deeply numbed by the Chicago and Rhode Island nightclub tragedies. My thoughts are with the victims, survivors, and their families, and I wish they didn’t need to be—I wish they weren’t ’cause I can think of nothing else, and it makes me want to throw up. While ostensibly…
If I break the chain, will Amish people bust my kneecaps?
So. Wow. Yeah, it’s here, the long awaited winter breakin’ d6 update. I was fooling around with s u s p e n s i o n and it straight-up exploded into a “multimedia memory project fascination.” For those familiar with s u s p e n s i o n, you will recognize the…
joy, rage and adventures in interlibrary loan
Greetings. The holidays were great. I’m still on vacation until the 21st, yay. Been busy working and trying to nurse my sick computer back to health. If you have the piece-of-junk MSN Messenger tag-along program “loadqm” running in the background of your Windows, kill it, now. At least I’m pretty sure that’s what’s been giving…
deferral of the inevitable with (dinosaur) adventures in 3D
So technically this time—Sunday Sunday Sunday—is reserved for me to begin my senior paper project of a nonfictive creative nature with as-of-yet undetermined content. But I don’t know what to do (what the hell am I going to do??) so that’s right—deepsicks gets an update. Um… let’s see. Underworld was fantastic, spectacular amazing electrifying and…
freebies and stupid breaking things
I just fixed a busted link. Gimme a cookie! Wait, I have cookies—Halloween Oreos smashed to hell (on sale!) turning my spit to mud and—somehow—giving me a headache. Is this bad? Hm. Last night I saw “Red Dragon” in a free preview showing on campus. It was okay… a little sloppy and rushed at points,…
Site News
Posts with info about site updates and milestones.