It feels improper to be so damn pleased, but how can I help anything?
Pumpkin Bread
I have such a crush on Lafitte.
Best Valentine Ever
Finally unleashed the valentine I’ve had in my head for years. Couldn’t not. Oh, my heart.
I didn’t catch his name. His human didn’t have many teeth in her face.
Halloween 2016
Halloween saw me a pumpkinhead.
Beats in Bones
I don’t go dancing much anymore. Part of it is parking. Part is feeling old, bad neck back ached, past my bedtime and feeling out of element.
Pep Talk
JK Rowling tells me what’s up.
Pressed and pretty good
Got a bug in my ear, scratched till it bled, then oops oh baby had to clean the mess.
bleeding heart
Halloween sneaked up again. I’m still not used to the 80s in October, a blood warmth that belies to me only July, a summer that lasts forever.
Rainy Drought
The City of Austin doesn’t have tornado sirens. Instead our phones blow up at godawful o’clock with perpetual flash flood warnings and looming coffins.
Shortish posts of personal updates + announcements.