• storm fragments

    A state of emergency from a natural meets government disaster during a pandemic.

  • in my mouth

    Who is this creature? I’ll put him in my mouth.

  • just for him

    New favorite photo — a candid shot if you can believe I’d be so blissed out on my baby.

  • labor of

    Did you know I was staked in the desert.

  • Snow days, Holledays

    We put new tires on the Fit and tricked the dogs into thinking we were going to the park.

  • Tantalus

    Your first time looking, you would be forgiven.

  • Reverse Mermaid

    It feels improper to be so damn pleased, but how can I help anything?

  • Best Valentine Ever

    Finally unleashed the valentine I’ve had in my head for years. Couldn’t not. Oh, my heart.

  • Hand-Me-Done

    I didn’t catch his name. His human didn’t have many teeth in her face.

  • Halloween 2016

    Halloween saw me a pumpkinhead.                                               

  • Beats in Bones

    I don’t go dancing much anymore. Part of it is parking. Part is feeling old, bad neck back ached, past my bedtime and feeling out of element.

  • Pep Talk

    JK Rowling tells me what’s up.