The messageboard has been renamed the Epich, Bree, and .meg Carnival of Putting Down the Flesh. The first person who fully “gets it” also gets a prize—I’ll make sure it’s cool. So. I’m going to KMFDM this evening; late tonight I’m driving no sleep to visit my grandpa in western North Dakota (I finally get…
digital camera fun and fists against apathy
News items will now have headings. You like? Good! So this is me delaying the inevitable—homework—what the hell was I thinking? Summer school? So why the update, um… I changed a pic on the bio page and uploaded some shots so everyone can see my new pants, burned foot, and a week’s wages, all linked…
DJ Shadow’s “Private Press” owns my stereo and I start summer school in a week < cries >. The city looked mighty sinister this evening, dark blue gray and aching haze, walls of clouds enclosing the skyscrapers (mmm, i love) thunder thunder lightening ahead…. Speaking of which, I started Underworld’s Instrumental to Change bit… it’s…
On May 27th, at 2:09 PM… Retrieving something from the top of my closet, I knocked my deodorant off the shelf which somehow managed to land on the switch of the power strip which hooks up our internet cable box and router (yes, our network is in my closet). Everything shut off for about 10…
Slinking in the summer daze, half asleep, half away. K. Those of you who have expressed interest in getting TTE then mysteriously drifted loose, you know who you are, and so do I, and I even know where some of you live. If money’s a problem, let it be known that I also accept donations…
I see the folks at Alxnet, the service that provides the site’s messageboard and guestbook, thought it’d be funny to make their once modest self-promotion plug a highly annoying floating banner. Damnation. This upsets me greatly. Maybe I’ll do something about it. Laterish. Here’s a little comic relief—yeah, I’ve a sick ‘n’ cynical sense of humor,…
Hey. There’s not a whole lotta news with this update. Yeah. I’m fully immersed in end-of-semester stress—I have a final on a Saturday afternoon (whhhhhhyyyyyy!!!!) and need to finish (…and start…) a project by Thursday on literacy and gender construction; I’m gonna mutilate Barbies with what else?—the English language. Should be messy good fun, if…
I had a helluva good music appreciation week. I saw Sasha and Digweed, VNV Nation, and Christopher Lawrence (this last one for free!). The highlight?—getting lost downtown and asking several very concerned individuals at Sex World for directions to the goth-industrial lair Ground Zero, where halfway through the song Fearless, Ronan Harris (VNV Nation) started…
How ’bout this weather and my increasing fascination with humanity? awed by the jazz-blasting bus driver dressed to the nines and microfilm from ’62 when MLK Jr. was still alive and temperatures in the warm enough to ditch the flannel johns warm with the knowing that I’d wear my shorts were they not still show-dirty…
I’d like to thank the individuals who have recently signed my guestbook, and I encourage everyone to take advantage of this opportunity to say hi and to confirm that the slowly climbing hit counter below is not the result of a stalker changing his or her IP address to boost my ego while surreptitiously plotting…
Shortish posts of personal updates + announcements.