Sides split. Third eyes open and roll. It doesn’t get old, it will never get old.
This local natural area has a point of interest called Blood Pit—terribly on brand for the 78666.
3 years in 3 weeks
Rapidly careening away from me.
Then all of a sudden
Deepsicks turned 20 last February—the milestone a reckoning.
Every Day
I don’t know, I never mommed before.
Dear Women
Dead women.
dad’s day
I love the dad you’re becoming.
Scribble scrabble eyes.
I can’t imagine.
Help Me Help You
Help me help YOU.
think of light
Think of bright.
achievement unlocked!
Hyping undies by having his guys pick out a pair.
that happened
Grown-ups are there to take care of you.
Your neighbor as yourself
cap collector
Everything is so gross and awful and cute.
first haircut
Oh my little baby!
Time with Papa
I wish I wish I wish.
Big kid pool
We waltzed.
first library card
You know that kid yelling in the atrium?
Science is amazing.
Shortish posts of personal updates + announcements.