How ’bout this weather and my increasing fascination with humanity? awed by the jazz-blasting bus driver dressed to the nines and microfilm from ’62 when MLK Jr. was still alive and temperatures in the warm enough to ditch the flannel johns warm with the knowing that I’d wear my shorts were they not still show-dirty…
I’d like to thank the individuals who have recently signed my guestbook, and I encourage everyone to take advantage of this opportunity to say hi and to confirm that the slowly climbing hit counter below is not the result of a stalker changing his or her IP address to boost my ego while surreptitiously plotting…
Ka-BOOM. I’ve been driving my family insane and grossly neglecting academia. I have one day to read about 500 pages ranging from Dickens’ Hard Times to essays on “deep comic theory” and the hybrid identites of Pakistani Muslim women (um… those being separate topics). It’s weird—my hyper-stressed, übercathected person should be freaking out at this…
Shortish posts of personal updates + announcements.