never be this small

I marvel at how fast he grows. A big kid now in a big kid bed and exclusively using the tallboy toilet. But same as it ever was, since the day he was born… he will never be this small again. I remind myself when he squirms in my hugs, with our play piledrives into the couch, when he ducks into my shadow and slips a warm hand in mine, all of this is temporary. It will not last. He grows so fast.

But that’s not quite right. It does last. That’s the whole point. Parenting outlasts the child. Our attention and guidance, care and loving kindness, and occasional to the brink patience spent straight losing it IS the child.

He lights my world and drives me crazy, remaking me every moment I ground myself in it to be present for his laughter, joy and wonder, and all the ear-splitting face-purpling crocodile tantrums, too, scrabbling for the boundaries of safety and self. Just how far can he bend his light. Will there ever be an end to this love.



Happy third birthday. I love being your mom.

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