I got a “real job” as a proofreader at a commercial printer. S’scary and fun and way overwhelming, but I think I’ll like it quite a lot once I wrap my brain around industry jargon and the forty plus (numerically and aged) people I met in the past two days. I’m like… an adult or something now, eight-to-fouring five days a week with benefits and a cubicle and a Mac and a neato light table. Impressive, eh? I still getta wear my Cons, too. Ahhh yes.
Speaking of punk rock pretensions, I went to Warped Tour last Saturday at Float-Rite Park in Somerset, Wisconsin. I hate that place so much, and I know I hate it, and that was the last time I ever go there, I swear. Unless someone else drives. Grr. Fun moments were had but overall it was disappointing. Fifteen dollar parking and a seven dollar “convenience” charge for the twenty-five dollar admission didn’t help. I was, however, exposed to Avenged Sevenfold, an Orange County metal band.
Yeah. That’s right. Metal. No, I don’t know what’s wrong with me, but I was impressed with their performance, energy, vocal variety, and even their pseudo-darkness, and thus bought a CD (the only merch I picked up). The album Sounding the Seventh Trumpet confused the hell out of me at first (“Why did I buy this?!?”), but it’s really gettin inside me. You may hear a couple mp3s from their forthcoming album at their site linked above (it’s version 6.66, tee hee). “Chapter Four” is significantly more listenable than “Eternal Rest” if you can only stand to d/l one. But you should do it. Then hold me.
In other music news, more dear and excellent, Wormwood got their own url. Visit the site—this band is most excellent, and most of the pictures were shot by yours truly. Check out my photos from the June 21 show under “Shows”; I have a load more which I would like to and will host once I get a more reliable connection (see Site News below). You may also download mp3 samples of a couple WW songs under “Sounds”—DO IT. You want them. You do. Then come to a show and dance with me.
Tonight I’m treating Bree to 28 Days Later for her birthday (happy happy!). Mmm… zombie movie. And, I like sea monsters.
Site News: Dan and I have been looking into servers on which to collectively host our websites, so with hope deepsicks shall be thoroughly resurrected and highspeed strung like the neurotic free beastie it wants and needs to be. Huzzah. In case you’re curious, the current problem concerns a wretched upload speed over a wireless connection based in Fargo. I love my pa dearly, do, but his server just ain’t cuttin it. And, uh… I’m basically a freeloader and have been for much too long. We all deserve better.
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