Halloween saw me a pumpkinhead.

At first I mourned that this was a workshot, complete with drop ceiling. But the double monitor and security mirror have grown on me. This is damn scary. 🙂
I’m pretty proud. It’s unexpected, it’s creepy, it’s cheap as hell ($1 at HEB + what I had on hand: old nylon, a steak knife, a lighter, a sharpie), it’s devilish in its simplicity and has a touch of nostalgia. Who didn’t rock a pumpkin candy bucket growing up, before graduating to a pillow case?
I joined the Dead Music Capital Band for their 10th annual Halloween parade around East Austin.

We hand out candy but collect it, too, sugar-high all week straight through to my birthday. Thirty-six now. All right.
Been trying to gather words around our national nightmare but they turn on me, turn to water.
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