Three months on, and I still don’t have the words. But I do have the pictures, the whole day off, fingerless gloves and a sleepy dog wedging her head in the base of the roller chair—the least comfortable spot in the room, I’ll roll over her if I move, but it shows the most love, all part of the plan.
Breath deep. Strap in.

We’re married. And the wedding was amazing.

It didn’t take long to settle the location—Enchanted Rock State Park, site of our first date, a camping adventure in 2011 that left us with wonder and the seeds of love. Shortly after we had the genius stroke to have the reception at the nearby annual Oktoberfest, with its built-in food, drink, entertainment and lovely local color meets heritage nod. October 3, it is!
Then I had to sign up for Pinterest which was kind of obnoxious but you don’t get to be a bride without it. It was a good thing, in the end, ensconcing our family and friends up to their eyeballs in adorableness.

Not to say it wasn’t a slog. 2015 was hijacked by the wedding, nonstop advice and inquiries I couldn’t make sense of. What are my colors? To veil or unveil? I’m not going to <insert atrocity>, AM I?
That and stupid jokes aside (I’M NEVER GETTING MARRIED AGAIN!), everything was stinkin awful beautiful, seriously. Hearts swelled and eyes glowed, guests wending ways to the ceremony site.

Here comes the bride!

It was a short, secular ceremony with deep roots in pink rocks, in the breeze and brilliant sky.

Siblings and friends called the four directions.

My mom and dad cried.

Arthur improvised his vows and cracked me up.

I get to laugh the rest of my life.

Then we all sang Stand By Me.

What a good-lookin family!

We attacked the cake.

Then we attacked the rock, after changing into our sparkly Chucks.

We rounded out the day with delicious German Bier and oompa bands at Oktoberfest.

My dress didn’t fall down even once!
Looking at the photos now, I get choked up, compelled to preface this with how this is unusual. I am not sentimental (lie!) I don’t get weepy (nope!) when really the only accuracy is I still keep changing. Who I am, what I want to be capable of, what I identify as important in my life.
All these beautiful, weirdo, great people who made that such an amazing day! THIS GUY. From that day forward. This dog who’s moved to the side, now, so I can make hot tea.
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