new map

Where do I begin?

To unpack

My bike disassembled in a skinny cardboard box.

put in place

My bike is reassembled on the patio.

the words that escape—proper narrative processing of the past near-two months (two months!) since leaving Minneapolis for Austin, Texas.

Pass Go! Go! Go! collect 200 names and faces, find a new rhythm and scrap the thesis, I’m gonna need a whole new map and reams of legends to unlock it.

A tree is cut off to make way for a phone pole.
Mr. Catfish food truck.
Tree roots in a creek.

I’m having a wonderful time. My job is fulfilling and fun, the city friendly and hot! hot! traffic atrocious and tacos delicious.

I get to play with the prettiest girl

spar with the wittiest Arthur

pick out places to set my bones

New vintage couch.
New vintage stools.

brake for roadside shrines to conspiracy

Sign that says, Honk if you think the JFK Assassination was a conspiracy.
Bloody mannequin in a coffin.

follow creeks through the center of the city

and once—get this—shoot pool and listen to Tool with the Brothers K like it’s 2002 and life never happened to any of us.

Kellen shoots pool.

Most people tell me, “Welcome to Austin!” but one guy said, “Welcome to Texas.”

That’s when I felt fullest.

There’s a place for me in all of this.

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