And I hain’t sayin just ’cause I left it. The city of glass and its hazy reflection, its Olympian construction built to blast any doubt Vancouver is supreme. This perfect view, this perfect path, this paradise ride, the seawall doesn’t get you where you’re going. It reminds you what you’re borrowing. Opulence and blueprint beauty on loan.
The greenway is overgrown with a danger and a wildness,
a realness and a roughness,
a forgotten world I never left the center of.

Not really.
BC friends want to know, is Minneapolis really that wonderful?
No. Just me.
It’s just me. Mixed up.
Teapot Carlson
October 2, 2009 at 3:47 amI’m about to become buddies with that there Greenway – we moved to a new building at work yesterday – into a space that literally opens up onto the Greenway. I see a lot of Park Ave & Greenway longboard trips in my future … gonna have to get the bike fixed up for winter, too.
October 5, 2009 at 1:01 amWhat. Minneapolis is totally that wonderful.