In effort to raise funds to ship myself to Canada, I am offering the last print of famed and fabled ZOMBIKEN! up for ebay auction. Those I know and in the area will have it personally delivered. Otherwise it’ll be packaged with fleecy love. Full disclosure: there is a streak through the eye-effacing sun. It’s still awesome, just ask my mom. Bid happy until Friday the 18th!

August 12, 2006 at 10:33 pmCompletely awesome. Difficult to frame, but worth it.
August 13, 2006 at 10:05 amstraight from the horse’s mouth!
hahaha, that’s such an oddball expression. but yes, it is true. everyone who has come into contact with a zombiken! has been awed and inspired. those lucky enough to own a copy (only 9 in existence! [i think…]) are daily astounded by its brilliance. despite its difficulty to frame. there are reasons for the size but said reasons are too long, technical and dumb to explain.
k, back to sunday slothing.
August 14, 2006 at 4:04 pmOH UNBELIEVABLE SWEENTESS!
the UMBRELLA SEQUENCE has a show August 18 at the Triple Rock–i getta see ’em before i leave! yay! come with, vast internets, tremble jitter jake!
August 19, 2006 at 4:43 ami see my bid for 36.66 was thwarted by some evildoer. well, at least you got some cashola out of it! congrats.
August 21, 2006 at 3:00 amA winner is me!
August 21, 2006 at 10:28 pmthanks for bidding mysterious “da,” and with 6.66 involved, no less! the devil smiles.
also yay to bree for “winning,” and “winning” i mean buying it from ken when he realized he didn’t want it and accidentally won anyway. the final price was $37.50.
thanks to all for a successful auction! you’re awesome.
August 22, 2006 at 3:40 pmI win however I can. I got the print, so I count that as a win. Of course, knocking Ken down and stealing it from him would also be a win, but this way is far more legal.