Check out some cool Halloween shots in the newly updated archimago. The Hallowed Eve proper I became a Day of the Dead meets Misfits Fiend Hardcore Kid, an old costume revived in a panic of zero inspiration and the desire to be a badass yet… understated. I think it went well.

I attended a party of one-day luminaries, got my dance on, and suffered the heart-stopping horror of Mein Gott! Nosferatu in meiner Studie!!!

I wore pants that fit. It was a special occasion. Three days later on my birthday, I got cake and hugs and dinner and serenaded three times. It was lovely.
I apologize for these weak “news” updates, but I haven’t been moved of late—really, significantly, for-more-than-the-moments-it’s-happening, moved. Listening to VNV Nation’s “Solitary” (signals version). I need to get out more. :\
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