Hey. Things have and will be changing piecemeal hereabouts. Perhaps, once “done,” I’ll list off all alterations should one want to catch them all, but yeah, revisions, additions, and erasures are on the way. If you like something the way you like it, I suggest you do some cut-n-pasting, ’cause if it goes, it’s gone, at least from the site.
Again, this will occur as I find time, and trust it’s been difficult with being sick, working, going to bed at 9:30, and playing with my new minidisc player Malvo and various other recording equipment. I have cords strewn all over my room like I know what I’m doing—it’s great.
Oh, and in case you’re wondering, the new picture above is my brother Joe—it also made its way into s u s p e n s i o n, as the homepage “header” picture will likely periodically change. Joe is thirteen. He thinks about things thirteen year olds think about and does things thirteen year olds do. When was the last time you were thirteen?
12″ went off not without difficulties but was well-received and encouraging. Either that, or people lie well. Whatever the case, I didn’t die or start crying, so I feel positive about my ability to perform, ya know, once I, uh, practice more and stuff. As soon as I can speak well (oh, by sick I mean laryngitis or like), I’m going to re-record my much-too-quiet-live portion of the set and the whole thing’ll be available for download, which will definitely be linked here.
On Saturday I managed to get tickets for the instantly sold-out A Perfect Circle show August 11 at the Pantages Theatre in Minneapolis. Ugh. I would perish on the spot did I not have to survive long enough to see Radiohead on the 23rd. I am lucky lucky lucky. And skilled. And driven.
Other Music News: I just picked up the Blood Brother’s Burn, Piano Island, Burn. I was much impressed with their live performance when I saw them open for AFI but unfortunately only caught four or so songs. But there was something ’bout ’em, and about the single mp3 I have, “Ambulance vs. Ambulance,” available here along with a legitimate review ’cause I’m lazy (and going to a birthday party, woo! way not to die for another year, Colin!).
Uh, yeah, the Blood Brothers: fresh, unique, dangerous. As much as I enjoy *not* reading the lyrics of particular bands, I will pore over these words like fine print. Structually they’re intriguing, relaying narrative in the form (guise?) of scripts, very rhythmic, very wild and telling. But difficult to decipher from the screaming. 😀 So yeah. Check ’em out.
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